blezek / file-mode package to set syntax mode based on comment string (-*- mode: MODE -*-)
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Not working / syntax ? #2

Open Digital-Thor opened 9 years ago

Digital-Thor commented 9 years ago

Great idea for a package, but I'm having troubles using it. I'm trying to use it to automatically set the file's mode to JavaScript (Meteor). (Currently I can manually select this grammar thanks to the Meteor-API package).

Since it's a JS file, I've tried both:

// -- mode: JavaScript (Meteor) --
// -*- mode: JavaScript (Meteor) -*-

at the start of my file (since your instructions show both formats) and I've restarted Atom on each attempt. Unfortunately, neither of those formats worked. In case it was something with that specific grammar, I also tried CoffeeScript as you suggest in your example, but that didn't work either. I also tried the cntr-alt-l command, but that didn't help.

Am I not understanding the syntax, or is this possibly because I'm using Windows 7?