When using the function procedure PaintTree(aTargetCanvas: TCanvas; const aWindow: TRect; aTarget: TPoint; aPaintOptions: TVTInternalPaintOptions; aPixelFormat: TPixelFormat = pfDevice); with parameters aPaintOptions=[..poUnbuffered..] and aTarget.x<>0 column locations are calculated incorrectly.
I think the error is located somewhere starting from line 30508, where the right and left borders of the column are calculated.
What is the VirtualTreeView version / branch?
What is the Lazarus and Freepascal version?
Lazarus 2.0.4 r61665 FPC 3.0.4 i386-win32-win32/win64
When using the function
procedure PaintTree(aTargetCanvas: TCanvas; const aWindow: TRect; aTarget: TPoint; aPaintOptions: TVTInternalPaintOptions; aPixelFormat: TPixelFormat = pfDevice);
with parametersaPaintOptions=[..poUnbuffered..]
column locations are calculated incorrectly.I think the error is located somewhere starting from line
, where the right and left borders of the column are calculated.