blikblum / tinybind

Lightweight and powerful data binding + templating solution
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help getting tinybind to work with 2 copies #26

Closed julientype closed 4 years ago

julientype commented 4 years ago

main page hold a copy 1 iframe holds copy 2 i create the model in the main page and send it to the iframe copy this works.... it loads it and will add new element to the main page copy.... the iframe will load both models.... one from the main page and one for iframe...... main page iframeData.contentWindow.loadModel(model); now in the iframe.... function loadModel(model){ myMode = model; tinybind.bind(document.getElementById("test"),model); /// set data filers for.... tinybind.bind(document.getElementById("test2"),modeliframe); }

The problem i have its sent in the model as static some how .... it upgrades the main model but it can get the new copy of the changes for it self..... the only way to get new copy is to reload the iframe.....

when loading a large datasets you need 2 copies ..... copy one can send data to copy 2 and copy 2 can send back changes....<- this works but copy 2 is just one way..... it just cant get the changes it did back..

dom is good to 50,000 element + ifame 50,000 element like 10 page tabs in a browser you just cant load it all in one dom tree.....

i tryed sending back the new modael again.. no go..... only reload iframe works but that wipes out records being puled in the frame myview.unbind(); myview = tinybind.bind(iframeData.contentWindow.test, model); nope it gets stuck.....

julientype commented 4 years ago

ohhhh i got it to work...... i load 2 models and 2 tinybind scripts an push values back and forth... ohhhh thanks for all the


julientype commented 4 years ago

i ran a for loop test on 2000 push transactions 2gig ram 3 seconds for first 2000 then 6 seconds by 6000 it was 14+ for 2000 i add 2 iframes on the same page.... they both did the same...... even with one iframe load with 8000 the second iframe took 3 seconds i can send back values from main to both iframes or from one iframe1 to main and iframe2 i'm showing you the limits of one tinydind scripts at low ram.... the size of the push transaction push({name:'pushertrtrtrtrtrtttrtrtrttrd' + i }); then i ran a longer string ....allotted time is the same..... 3 seconds push({name:'pushertrtswwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssrddddddddddddddsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssddddddtrtrddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddtrtttrtrtrttrd' + i });

julientype commented 4 years ago

here is new test.... showing 12000 records width 31 fields... 372,000 items this is done with 3 tinybind scripts running .... it takes time to load but worth it ....... i can click any records and voila.the record fields and index popup and sent to other iframes..... Nice plugin..... image