blindFS / vim-taskwarrior

vim interface for taskwarrior
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Auto-Refresh #112

Open timokau opened 9 years ago

timokau commented 9 years ago

Hi first of all, thanks for this awesome plugin. I have a vim instance open with it running all the time. Because of this, I would really like it auto-updating. I use this especially for the Active time. Currently I use a dirty hack that using the CursorHold autocommand:

autocmd vimrc CursorHold task* call Timer()
function! Timer()
  call taskwarrior#list()
  set updatetime=5000
  call feedkeys("f\e") "retrigger the CursorHold event without major side-effects

However, this really is a dirty hack and essentially exploiting a bug in vim. Also this causes vim-taskwarrior to always ask for a new filter. I know asynchronous updates aren't easy (or not doable) in vim, but would you consider supporting it in neovim? I have no experience with the development of vim-plugins so I can't judge how much effort it would take or if you could use it yourself, but I hope it's easy to do.