blindsidenetworks / scalelite

Scalable load balancer for BigBlueButton.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Meeting ID was not provided #1028

Open freehussain opened 8 months ago

freehussain commented 8 months ago

scalelite_post_publish.rb not transfer recordings after finished.

try to run manually

sudo -n -u bigbluebutton -g scalelite-spool ruby ./scalelite_post_publish.rb

Recording transferring to Scalelite starts Meeting ID was not provided Transferring recording for to Scalelite Found recording format: presentation/ Creating recording archive Transferring recording archive to /mnt/scalelite-recordings/var/bigbluebutton/spool .tar

sent 368,805 bytes received 35 bytes 737,680.00 bytes/sec total size is 368,640 speedup is 1.00 Create sender.done file Recording transferring to Scalelite ends

bigbluebutton version 2.7.1

is there any solution for this?

JeanPluzo commented 8 months ago


yes, you're working with BBB 2.7.1, but which version of SL? Also, the log data seems kind of incomplete. Please post more info from the log file. Also, you need to provide a meeting id when running the script manually. It doesn't look like you did that. Also, don't post multiple times. It's not nice and people will ignore you.

Regards, J.

freehussain commented 8 months ago


thank you alot JeanPluzo

i tried to regenerate the issue by running the above command, but it's not working.

i don't find any log for automatic run script after recording finished

i have to import recording manually, by run command to import recordings from BBB to my SL

it should work automatically

my scalelite.yml

Local directory for temporary storage of working files

work_dir: /var/bigbluebutton/recording/scalelite

Directory to place recording files for scalelite to import

spool_dir: /mnt/scalelite-recordings/var/bigbluebutton/spool

Extra rsync options for keeping the permissions of the copied files as defined for the directories.

extra_rsync_opts: ["-av", "--no-owner", "--chmod=F664"]

is there any mistake, although this is new fresh BBB version?