I have not found such plugins as vim-yankitute or ExtractMatches in your dotfiles, so I wonder how you will, let say, yank to clipboard words in brackets and make them comma-separated
- 'autoindent' is set by default
- 'autoread' is set by default
- 'backspace' defaults to "indent,eol,start"
- 'backupdir' defaults to .,~/.local/share/nvim/backup (|xdg|)
- 'complete' doesn't include "i"
- 'directory' defaults to ~/.local/share/nvim/swap// (|xdg|), auto-created
I have not found such plugins as vim-yankitute or ExtractMatches in your dotfiles, so I wonder how you will, let say, yank to clipboard words in brackets and make them comma-separated
Output must be
autoindent, autoread, ....