bling / vim-bufferline

super simple vim plugin to show the list of buffers in the command bar
MIT License
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Changing g:bufferline_echo after startup has no effect? #36

Open jhrmnn opened 8 years ago

jhrmnn commented 8 years ago

What the title says. Is this intended behaviour? I'm occasionally using the Goyo plugin to hide almost everything in Vim, so I tried to reset the value of g:bufferline_echo when entering Goyo, but it doesn't seem to have any effect.

jhrmnn commented 8 years ago

Ok, I went to the code and figured out that issuing

:au! bufferline

disables bufferline. It can be then restored with

:call bufferline#init_echo()
jhrmnn commented 8 years ago

Ah, ok, one needs to also

:au! CursorHold

This raises the issue of potentially removing CursorHold autocommands not related to bufferline. For me, that is not an issue, because the only other ones I have are in their respective groups, but could be a problem in general I guess.

Is there a reason why that autocommand is not in the bufferline group? (I don't exactly understand what autocommand groups do.)