blish-hud / Pathing

[Module] The official pathing module which adds marker and trail support to Blish HUD.
MIT License
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Allow billboarding a single axis instead of it being all or nothing. #65

Open M6D6M6A opened 2 years ago

M6D6M6A commented 2 years ago

Is it possible to turn off the xml tag rotate-z so that it always points to the player?

dlamkins commented 2 years ago

Moving this to our pathing module repo.

If you're referring to disabling it for a pack that already has it defined, no, there is not without modifying the pack itself to remove the attribute. Could you elaborate more on your use case, please?

M6D6M6A commented 2 years ago

For example i want the N, S, E and W Marker to be not static, but rotate with the view, its sometimes a bit hard for me if you look at them at a about 90° angle

I tryed:

z-rotate = "Null" z-rotate = "null" z-rotate = "none" z-rotate = "" z-rotate = "-1"

All resulted are in a fixed Rotatin at 0° and if iook on it at 90° I cant see them.

dlamkins commented 2 years ago

Ahh, I see. No, the billboarding is either entirely enabled or the marker is completely static. This is something we could explore in the future, though, perhaps. I can mark this as under considering.

And for reference, our documentation will indicate if there are any special values that you can use that change the resulting behavior.

If you notice anything that is missing from that documentation, though, let us know as we want to ensure all special cases are properly documented.