blish-hud / Pathing

[Module] The official pathing module which adds marker and trail support to Blish HUD.
MIT License
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Separate setting for in-game UI size, separate from the BlishHUD one #78

Open Kreiri opened 2 years ago

Kreiri commented 2 years ago

Would it be possible to add a setting for in-game UI size to this module that's separate from the one used in the HUD?

I find that text in the HUD is too small and blurry for me to read comfortably if the HUD's "interface size" setting matches the in-game one; however, if I choose a larger interface size in HUD, the markers on the minimap no longer align with it properly.

dlamkins commented 2 years ago

It's something that can be considered, but with how our UI rendering currently works, we would essentially have to oversize or undersize regions to get it to fit, so it's unlikely to happen too soon.