blish-hud / Pathing

[Module] The official pathing module which adds marker and trail support to Blish HUD.
MIT License
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Enhanced Marker UI #90

Open DarkLiKally opened 11 months ago

DarkLiKally commented 11 months ago

Additionally to the alredy existing dropdown-overlay-menu I would suggest adding another tab to the Pathing module window which allows easier management of the marker database.

It could show a tree view on the left listing all marker packs with their groups. The right side could show some buttons for managing the active category (disable category / enable / ...). Maybe also a checkbox in the treeview is an option for toggling. Below the general category related buttons on the right side there can be buttons like "disable all nodes / enable all nodes / ...". Also each node can be toggled here, and showing description and so on. Another useful thing would be a search functionality which will list all matching categories and/or nodes (maybe a dropdown in front of the search input what the user want to search for? (all / groups / nodes).

With such a window it would be much more comfortable and easy to find the paths and things users are searching for. The additional buttons for enabling / disabling would also allow for easier selection of things without cluttering the screen when enabling a pack. Currently when all things are on by default, it's a mess in some packs to first disable all things you don't need / want and then you have to reenable the things you need, since there is no "show just this route / group" option inside a parent group.

Starting from this work for the future could be easier - like creating uis for creating new nodes / paths and so on - also for editing things. Imagine the user wants to add a little hint or just move a node a few steps, or even wants to create his own trails and stuff, from the current menu this would be a mess.