blissd / fotema

Photo gallery for Linux
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Fotema does not import images or videos from linked folders. #114

Open NelvinBHV opened 1 month ago

NelvinBHV commented 1 month ago

I have included a folder as a symbolic link in the Pictures folder. Unfortunately, Fotema completely ignores it. The symbolic link points to a Samba share.

blissd commented 1 month ago

Hi NelvinBHV, thank you for your bug report. However, I don't think this is a bug, but by design. Fotema's Flatpak permissions only allow reading from your pictures directory, so it won't be able to read pictures from another location pointed at by the symbolic link.

You could try using the Flatseal app to add another directory to those that Fotema can read. I'm not sure if Fotema will follow the symbolic link when walking the directory tree, but you can give it a try.

NelvinBHV commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the information. I tried the Flatpak as well as compiling the source code. In both cases, it was the same.

NelvinBHV commented 1 month ago

Hi blissd, this patch modifies the core/src/photo/ and core/src/video/ files to enable following symbolic links by adding the .follow_links(true) method to the WalkDir instance. `diff --git a/core/src/photo/ b/core/src/photo/ index e69de29..a34e843 100644 --- a/core/src/photo/ +++ b/core/src/photo/ @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ let walker = WalkDir::new(&self.scan_base)

diff --git a/core/src/video/ b/core/src/video/ index e69de29..a34e843 100644 --- a/core/src/video/ +++ b/core/src/video/ @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ let walker = WalkDir::new(&self.scan_base)

blissd commented 1 month ago

Be aware that if your have pictures on a network share and it isn't mounted when Fotema starts, then Fotema will consider those pictures as deleted and will perform some database maintenance to remove the records for the missing files and will also delete any thumbnails that were generated for the missing images. If the network share re-appears and you start Fotema again, then it will see all the pictures as new files and generate the thumbnails again.

NelvinBHV commented 1 month ago

Of course, that's correct, but it behaves like any folder that is removed and then re-added. Alternatively, it would also help if Fotema allowed the addition of other folders containing images.

CocolinoFan commented 1 month ago

Someone might find this useful. If you are using the Flatpak version of Fotema, it will look for pictures in xdg-pictures:ro. You can use the program Flatseal to add directories that Fotema can access. I find the behaviour of that to be inconsistent sometimes pulling pictures from one directory up (not sure tho, needs more testing). I found it useful to modify what xdg-pictures:ro is. From the documentation it provides access to $XDG_PICTURES_DIR or $HOME/Pictures. You can change $XDG_PICTURES_DIR in $HOME/.config/user-dirs.dirs