blissd / fotema

Photo gallery for Linux
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Thumbnails are not created #61

Closed johannesjh closed 3 weeks ago

johannesjh commented 4 weeks ago

Hi David, thank you for building v1.8.1. where photos without file creation date are now successfully indexed. This is working now. But there is another problem: The thumbnails are not generated.

I installed fotema v1.8.1 from flathub. I first removed all of fotema's files by deleting ~/.var/app/app.fotema.Fotema. I then started fotema as shown in the log.

log.txt image

from how I interpret the log, it appears that fotema did find the photos (Found 36995 photos to add to database), but then failed to generate thumbnails for these photos (Found 0 photos to generate thumbnails for)

blissd commented 4 weeks ago

I was really hoping you'd get to see some photos in Fotema!

Hmm... there are a few places that could be causes of the problem. If you look in the pictures table of the database is the 'is_broken' column set to '1'? If so, then the pictures are considered corrupt or unsupported in some way and will be excluded from future processing. Currently the is_broken column is set when thumbnail generation fails for a photo.

If is_broken is '1', then you might want to clear out all the Fotema data and run again and see if any errors are logged when trying to generate thumbnails.

blissd commented 4 weeks ago

Hmm.. actually, if photos are marked as broken then they won't show up in the photo grid like your screenshot shows.

blissd commented 4 weeks ago

If you click on a a photo in the grid, does it display?

blissd commented 4 weeks ago

Do you see anything in the thumbnail cache directories? They are under ~/.var/app/app.fotema.Fotema/cache/app.fotema.Fotema/photo_thumbnails.

blissd commented 3 weeks ago

If a photo file format isn't directly supported by the Rust image-rs library then I fallback to using Glycin to convert the image so a thumbnail can be generated. Do you see anything if you start from scratch with the glycin logs switched on? glycin=info

blissd commented 3 weeks ago

I think I understand the problem and it is related to my previous fix for creation times.

blissd commented 3 weeks ago

I have a fix on this branch ->

blissd commented 3 weeks ago

Fix is in release 1.8.2 which is now available on Flathub.

johannesjh commented 3 weeks ago

It is working now, awesome!! Thank you, David!