blissd / fotema

Photo gallery for Linux
29 stars 6 forks source link

Design a new app icon #88

Open blissd opened 3 days ago

blissd commented 3 days ago

Fotema has a pretty generic icon that does not comply with GNOME HIG icon standards. This causes Fotema to fail the icon review step on Flathub which prevents Fotema from being considered as an "app of the day" (I think?), and has raised a number of comments as to its not being good enough.

I agree! The icon should change, but I'm not sure to what. Here are some thoughts on what I like in icons (in no particular order):

  1. Pretty. Not too busy.
  2. Some colour (preferably colours that work well with the light/dark banner theming on Flathub). Easy to see on a variety of backgrounds.
  3. Joyfulness and playfulness. Looking at you YMuse.
  4. Iconography that makes me think of photos. I do like the photo app icons that use a Polaroid style photo (like in #83 and Loupe, but I wouldn't say that is a requirement.

Some icons I like from other apps (also in no particular order):

YMuse, KDE Photos, Loupe, Newsflash, Shortwave, Tuba, Iotas.

Some ideas:

  1. Something you would actually photograph in a Polaroid photo or a traditional photo frame, like a stylized flower, a man and his dog, a pet by itself, and so on.
  2. Something that suggests photo albums. A book of photos? A stack of photos?
  3. I see my ideas are pretty derivative of existing photo app icons... so perhaps something entirely new?
drpetrikov commented 2 days ago

what about an icon similar to elementary's? i've made a draft too, the bottom photo would be more tilted to make the "stack" effect more pronounced image image

drpetrikov commented 2 days ago

i could use microsoft's open source Fluent Emoji as they're beautiful and have depth and shadow

drpetrikov commented 2 days ago

i've made some drafts of what could the "inside" of the photo look likeimageimage

drpetrikov commented 1 day ago

@blissd what do you think?image

blissd commented 11 hours ago

I like the stack effect.

drpetrikov commented 11 hours ago

is it good enough? i'm going to tweak it a bit more