blitz-js / next-superjson-plugin

SuperJSON Plugin for Next.js Pages and Components
189 stars 13 forks source link

Support of non-default object types #80

Open kdubb1337 opened 1 year ago

kdubb1337 commented 1 year ago

Verify Next.js canary release

Describe the bug

Non-default object types aren't picked up and you get the following error:

I followed the suggested custom recipe format and inject it near the root of my app:

import SuperJSON from 'superjson'

export function registerCustomTypes() {
  // Register Decimal as a custom type
  // Ref:
  SuperJSON.registerCustom<Decimal, string>(
      isApplicable: (v): v is Decimal => Decimal.isDecimal(v),
      serialize: (v) => v.toJSON(),
      deserialize: (v) => new Decimal(v),

Expected behavior

The next-superjson-plugin should function the same as superjson when called directly.

Reproduction link

No response




export default {
  reactStrictMode: true,
  swcMinify: true,
  images: {
    domains: [],
  experimental: {
    appDir: true,
    serverComponentsExternalPackages: ['@prisma/client'],
    swcPlugins: [['next-superjson-plugin', {}]],

Additional context

I was able to follow the example from Superjson on adding custom types and can use superjson directly to serialize and then parse it back to the original object, but when using data-superjson it doesn't work and I get the error above.

jon-ressio commented 12 months ago

We've also got a need for Decimal.js support (and some other internal/misc types). Feels like we need some sort of "bring-your-own-superjson" support where we can provide the instance or ensure our type registrations happen before this plugin uses superjson. I tried to hack this into the plugin with this commit. That built and I was able to yarn link my custom build into our app but I was getting memory access errors and an error about not being able to find the React module for some reason.

I'm not a rust guy, but steps I used to build were:

  1. rustup default stable
  2. rustup target add wasm32-wasi
  3. cargo prepublish --release
  4. yarn prepare
  5. yarn prepack
  6. yarn link
  7. update my app's next dependency to match next canary version, yarn install
  8. yarn link next-superjson-plugin in my app
marceloverdijk commented 5 months ago

I'm migrating a Pages router based NextJS application to the new App router and I'm facing the same issue.

In the Pages router application I registered custom types (Decimal.js) successfully in _app.tsc like documenten here:

SuperJSON.registerCustom<Prisma.Decimal, string>(
    isApplicable: (v): v is Prisma.Decimal => Prisma.Decimal.isDecimal(v),
    serialize: v => v.toJSON(),
    deserialize: v => new Prisma.Decimal(v),

For the App router I did the same in layout.tsx (?? correct ??) but then when including a component like:

<PersonTable persons={persons} data-superjson />

it gives me the Error: Trying to deserialize unknown custom value as well...


Does the next-superjson-plugin not support the App router with custom types yet? This is unfortunately blocking me from upgrading to the App router.

aleehedl commented 3 months ago

Any updates on this, @orionmiz? It's a huge blocker for me with upgrading to the app router.