blizzhackers / autosmurf

Dark-f version of JeanMax/Autosmurf
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Line:17 error (Config.AutoSmurf) #4

Closed GeMiNiJaKe closed 4 years ago

GeMiNiJaKe commented 4 years ago

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong..Does it with all 3 profiles/chars and can't get them to party up to start walking and fighting

Scripts.AutoSmurf = true;
    Config.AutoSmurf.TeamSize = 3;
    Config.AutoSmurf.TeleportingSorc = "GeMiNiGrL"; // your leader sorceress charname.
    Config.AutoSmurf.BoBarb = "GeMiNiBRuTe"; // boBarb charname
    Config.AutoSmurf.OtherChars = ["GeMiNiBRuTe", "GeMiNiNoaH"]; // all team charnames, excluding the leader and boBarb
    Config.AutoSmurf.AllTeamProfiles = ["GrL","BRuTe","NoaH"]; // the whole team PROFILE names
GeMiNiJaKe commented 4 years ago

P.S. all new chars

mf022 commented 4 years ago

Config.AutoSmurf.OtherChars = ["GeMiNiBRuTe", "GeMiNiNoaH"]; // all team charnames, excluding the leader and boBarb

exclude the BoBarb, like the TeleportingSorceress Config.AutoSmurf.OtherChars = ["GeMiNiNoaH"];

Did you renamed correctly the required chars *.xxx1, especially for your leader Sorceress.XXXX1(leader).js

Re-check the // Public game options section. The leader should invite, so it need 1 or 3

Config.PublicMode = 1;

the followers should only accept the invitations, so 2.

The issue's title is showing the error in team size line, where default 4 was written by Dark-f. If the issue persists after you made the mentioned changes, post here. I had to look deeper to see how it can be customized to 3.

GeMiNiJaKe commented 4 years ago

All characters are labeled right, Sorceress.GeMiNiGrL, Paladin.GeMiNiNoaH, Barbarian.GeMiNiBRuTe exactly how I had created the characters and still getting the Line:17. Doesn't seem to like

"Config.AutoSmurf.TeamSize = 3;" cause that's the 17th line

GeMiNiJaKe commented 4 years ago

I'd send you a screen shot of my screen but can't add attachments lol

mf022 commented 4 years ago

Did you corrected what I've already suggested? your 20th line was wrong, with BoBarb Did you check the Config.PublicMode for each char?

maybe you can add only a link. post it to image host sites.

GeMiNiJaKe commented 4 years ago
Scripts.AutoSmurf = true;
    Config.AutoSmurf.TeamSize = 3;
    Config.AutoSmurf.TeleportingSorc = ""; // your leader sorceress charname.
    Config.AutoSmurf.BoBarb = ""; // boBarb charname
    Config.AutoSmurf.OtherChars = ["GeMiNiNoaH"]; // all team charnames, excluding the leader and boBarb
    Config.AutoSmurf.AllTeamProfiles = ["GeMiNiGrL","GeMiNiBRuTe", "GeMiNiNoaH"]; // the whole team PROFILE names

that's how it is now after the changes, and not yet more concerned with the Line:17 lol

GeMiNiJaKe commented 4 years ago

I mean I've been running the Kolbot in public d/baal runs on ladder before reset, but this is just stumping me like crazy

mf022 commented 4 years ago

do not mix char and d2bot manager profile names (line 21)

read the descriptions.

the char names of teleportingSorceress and BoBarb should be there

follow the guide

GeMiNiJaKe commented 4 years ago
Scripts.AutoSmurf = true;
    Config.AutoSmurf.TeamSize = 3;
    Config.AutoSmurf.TeleportingSorc = "GeMiNiGrL"; // your leader sorceress charname.
    Config.AutoSmurf.BoBarb = "GeMiNiBRuTe"; // boBarb charname
    Config.AutoSmurf.OtherChars = ["GeMiNiNoaH"]; // all team charnames, excluding the leader and boBarb
    Config.AutoSmurf.AllTeamProfiles = ["GrL","BRuTe","NoaH"]; // the whole team PROFILE names

P.S. "GrL","BRuTe","NoaH" are my profile names, still doesn't like the "3" and only got 3 keys

GeMiNiJaKe commented 4 years ago

79095509-2631151427122491-3374213371019657216-n 78605533-2420675804848141-1889295807874596864-n

GeMiNiJaKe commented 4 years ago

Man I dunno wtf happened but I had completely deleted the entire bot and redownloaded and config and now it working like a charm

mf022 commented 4 years ago

the problem was in your Config.js, before you haven't the variables for Autosmurf.