Closed 0xD8C4A475 closed 1 year ago
(original) publish/config.ini:
; # This is a template configuration file which can be modified as desired.
; # Community branch (recommended):
; # test-stable branch:
; # Master branch:
; Settings for Bnet
Enabled = true
BindIP =
WebPort = 9800
Port = 1119
MotdEnabled = true
Motd = Welcome to Blizzless D3!
; ------------------------
; [IWServer]
; IWServer = false
; ------------------------
; REST services for login (and others)
IP =
Public = false
PublicIP =
PORT = 80
; ------------------------
; Game server options and game-mods.
Enabled = true
CoreActive = true
BindIP =
WebPort = 9001
Port = 1345
BindIPv6 = ::1
DRLGemu = true
; Modding of game (please check
; rates
RateExp = 1
RateMoney = 1
RateDrop = 1
RateChangeDrop = 1
RateMonsterHP = 1
RateMonsterDMG = 1
; items
ChanceHighQualityUnidentified = 30
ChanceNormalUnidentified = 5
; bosses
BossHealthMultiplier = 6
BossDamageMultiplier = 3
; nephalem
NephalemRiftProgressMultiplier = 1
; health
HealthPotionRestorePercentage = 60
HealthPotionCooldown = 30
ResurrectionCharges = 3
; waypoints
UnlockAllWaypoints = false
; player attribute modifier
StrengthMultiplier = 1
StrengthParagonMultiplier = 1
DexterityMultiplier = 1
DexterityParagonMultiplier = 1
IntelligenceMultiplier = 1
IntelligenceParagonMultiplier = 1
VitalityMultiplier = 1
VitalityParagonMultiplier = 1
; quests
AutoSaveQuests = false
; minimap
ForceMinimapVisibility = false
; ------------------------
; Network address translation
Enabled = False
; use your public IP
PublicIP =
; ------------------------
; Where the outputs should be.
; Best for visualization (default): AnsiLog (target: Ansi)
; Best for debugging: ConsoleLog (target: console)
; Best for packet analysis: PacketLog (target: file)
Enabled = true
Target = Ansi
IncludeTimeStamps = true
MinimumLevel = Debug
MaximumLevel = Fatal
Enabled = false
Target = Console
IncludeTimeStamps = true
MinimumLevel = Debug
MaximumLevel = PacketDump
Enabled = true
Target = file
FileName = packet.log
IncludeTimeStamps = true
MinimumLevel = Debug
MaximumLevel = PacketDump
D:\Games\d3server_community\blizzless-diiis\publish>netstat -aon | findstr 9001
D:\Games\d3server_community\blizzless-diiis\publish>netstat -aon | findstr ":80"
Might be due to the lack of permissions to bind to this port.
Change the password for the postgres connection string in both database.Accounts.config and database.Worlds.config to postgres and recompile. ** Or change the password in the docker-compose.yml to 131275 and recompose docker
oops! my mistake gentlement. I'll be fixing it. Cheers.
Hi all!
Branch: community OS: Windows 10 Error message after start:
1 seconds after successfully start, opened 80, 1119, and some 2106(?) and bamm.
Defender off, firewall off, run as admin publish/config.ini original, ip127.0.0.1/other interface ip, nat/public true/false all combination.
Thank you!