bloc97 / Anime4K

A High-Quality Real Time Upscaler for Anime Video
MIT License
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May I request to get the "/hdd/sdb/SYNLA_Plus_4096.npy" which is used in the Train_Model.ipynb? #182

Open kimwao opened 1 year ago

kimwao commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your excellent work in Anime4K! Now I am trying to learn and train the contents of the "Tensorflow" folder, so may I request to get the "/hdd/sdb/SYNLA_Plus_4096.npy" which is used in the Train_Model.ipynb? I'd appreciate it if you would tell me~

bloc97 commented 1 year ago

Hi, the dataset can be found here:

However, it is used as an placeholder for that example, it is better to use real images for training. That dataset is mostly used for standardizing validation/testing across different architectures, or used with real images for data augmentation.