bloc97 / Anime4K

A High-Quality Real Time Upscaler for Anime Video
MIT License
17.98k stars 1.34k forks source link

Installation Done. Now... how do i use this thing? #188

Closed ghost closed 1 year ago

ghost commented 1 year ago

Hello everybody

I'm interested in using Anime4K to upscale some short videos. I have followed the Linux installation instructions, and by all means, i should be ready to use it. I understood everything just fine, up until the usage instructions.

At this point, i have no idea how I'm supposed to utilize Anime4k, I understood basically nothing i read there. My understanding went from Good to Nonexistent in just a few seconds.

If anybody would be willing to help me to better understand and utilize Anime4k, I would be most grateful!

OS: Arch Linux

christoph-heinrich commented 1 year ago

If you already have CTRL+1 no-osd change-list glsl-shaders set ... in your input.conf then all you need to do is press one of those keybindings to activate anime4k. If you're using vo=gpu-next then you might want to temporarily switch to vo=gpu to verify that you've installed it correctly, because gpu-next requires some small modification of the shaders.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Ah, i didn't realize i had to do that through the video player, it thought it was all done through the terminal. It looks like i got it working now, thank you!

Tama47 commented 1 year ago

You can also put it in mpv.conf to have it automatically select a mode instead of manually turning it on every time. Something like this.