I set up the Anime4K shaders on Windows MPV player and it works perfectly. Is there a step-by-step tutorial on how exactly to do it on the Android MPV player? I see some Andvanced section below. What should I enter there? (let's assume my .glsl shaders are located in /storage/self/primary/Documents)
What I did so far:
I copied the shaders from Windows to my phone in that location. And edited mpv.conf like below with Absolute paths (I specified the S versions):
I set up the Anime4K shaders on Windows MPV player and it works perfectly. Is there a step-by-step tutorial on how exactly to do it on the Android MPV player? I see some Andvanced section below. What should I enter there? (let's assume my .glsl shaders are located in
) What I did so far:mpv.conf
like below with Absolute paths (I specified theS
?Also, like the Windows version, will I get the same real-time processing of videos on the Android mpv as well?