bloc97 / Anime4K

A High-Quality Real Time Upscaler for Anime Video
MIT License
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How do I convert glsl to hlsl? #239

Open RyJeRT opened 1 month ago

RyJeRT commented 1 month ago

I would like to convert glsl shaders to hlsl for the magpie program

Tama47 commented 4 weeks ago

Doesn't Magpie already have Anime4K shaders?

RyJeRT commented 4 weeks ago

not all of them

Blinue commented 3 weeks ago

Porting an mpv hook to a Magpie effect is challenging. Currently, the Anime4K shaders available in Magpie were manually ported, making it difficult to handle especially large shaders like UL and UUL. I see two potential solutions:

  1. Write a script to export the weights as a Magpie effect, similar to how they are exported as an mpv hook in this repository.
  2. Export the weights as ONNX. Magpie has a special version that supports this format.