bloc97 / Anime4K

A High-Quality Real Time Upscaler for Anime Video
MIT License
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MPV not working with glsl shaders #62

Open Tall-Lobster opened 4 years ago

Tall-Lobster commented 4 years ago

Bug: When you follow the instructions to add glsl shaders, the shaders do not end up working

I discovered the solution.

profile=gpu-hq scale=ewa_lanczossharp cscale=ewa_lanczossharp video-sync=display-resample interpolation tscale=oversample glsl-shaders-append="%AppData%\mpv\Shaders\Anime4K_Hybrid_v2.glsl"

here is a sample config file for mpv so the config file is called mpv.config and it is stored in %AppData%\mpv and the shaders can be where you want, you just have to make sure to change whats in the quotes to point to the shader files

Tall-Lobster commented 4 years ago

I am still facing the issue image image image @bloc97

anime4k was not working at all

Tall-Lobster commented 4 years ago

In case you are wondering, yes I am using windows 10

bloc97 commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure that mpv recognizes %AppData%, but to make sure, please post the log file here. Add --log-file=output.txt in a new line in mpv.conf and run mpv, a file called output.log will appear.

Tall-Lobster commented 4 years ago

Dear @bloc97

I found out the cause, one has to make sure that there is no mpv.conf file in the same directory as the binary mpv.exe

if someone decides to go the route of the protable config, then they have to make sure to have a folder named profile_config just like this image


and in this folder you should have a file called mpv.config image

if you decide to put the shaders in this folder as well, just make sure to update this line in the mpv.config


QEDeD commented 4 years ago

@Tall-Lobster How did you install MPV? I've been trying to use v0.31 (as specified in the instructions), getting it from but I seem to be having the same issue as you.

Tall-Lobster commented 4 years ago

@QEDeD I installed following this link:

hmm... strange what OS are you on?

Tsubajashi commented 4 years ago

Can you tell me the resolution of your display and the resolution of your video files?

QEDeD commented 4 years ago

Taking the portable config approach seems to have worked, now the shaders get loaded. But I must have messed something up/overlooked something, since the screen turns black if the video is not playing at native resolution, e.g. if I maximize or fullscreen the player.

I'm running Windows 10 and the file I'm playing have a 720p resolution while the screen is 1440p.

Not sure if it's relevant that I have used the HLSL setup until now (MPC-BE with madVR).


I assume this is a result of

Tsubajashi commented 4 years ago

Hey! Can you tell me what kind of graphics card you use? im currently investigating why the issue is only popping up on d3d11.

QEDeD commented 4 years ago

@Tsubajashi I'm using a Nvidia 1070 Ti. I got everything to work using v0.31 of MPV

Tsubajashi commented 4 years ago

I see... as of Right now I have only seen people with Nvidia cards reporting about the problem. I def. need to get someone from the side of amd to see if they have it too.

QEDeD commented 4 years ago

That's interesting if I should somehow end up with an AMD card any time soon, I'll let you know :)

Tall-Lobster commented 4 years ago

@Tall-Lobster How did you install MPV? I've been trying to use v0.31 (as specified in the instructions), getting it from but I seem to be having the same issue as you.

Sorry for the late reply I installed the stable version off of sourceforge site

Tall-Lobster commented 4 years ago

I see... as of Right now I have only seen people with Nvidia cards reporting about the problem. I def. need to get someone from the side of amd to see if they have it too.

I had "these" issues because I was using the intel IGPU on the core i3-6100, so intel hd graphics 530

Tsubajashi commented 4 years ago

I see... as of Right now I have only seen people with Nvidia cards reporting about the problem. I def. need to get someone from the side of amd to see if they have it too.

I had "these" issues because I was using the intel IGPU on the core i3-6100, so intel hd graphics 530

Thanks for the Information - im still investigating why that issue might be...

Jules-A commented 4 years ago

I see... as of Right now I have only seen people with Nvidia cards reporting about the problem. I def. need to get someone from the side of amd to see if they have it too.

I have an RX570, DX11 loads the shaders but all the graphics are red... Loads fine in Vulkan and OGL though.

yamauta77 commented 2 years ago

Here is a step by step to use Anime4K with MPV, thanks.

ganfisher commented 6 days ago

I met the same problem with RTX4070S, windows 11.

yooooooLeon commented 6 days ago
