blockbasti / just_another_workout_timer

A simple timer for your workouts, built with Flutter!
MIT License
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Proposing a different layout of the workout screen. #85

Open madduck opened 3 years ago

madduck commented 3 years ago

Let me start by saying that I love this app. There are tons of them out there, but yours is as simple as it can be, and so often, simplicity is an overlooked/forgotten feature. I really want to stress this, and make sure you know how grateful I am, even though I am about to propose a different layout of the main screen. Thank you for the app!! What follows is just an idea I had. Don't take it as criticism!

This is the current workout screen, and I'd like to talk about 5 aspects of it:


  1. The information here is duplicated and unnecessary.
  2. I personally would find it very useful if the next exercise was shown more prominently (bigger), so that I can prepare for it during the rest period without having to look closely at the screen.
  3. Whether the next set needs to be shown could IMHO be made configurable. If not, we'd have more screen estate to show the current, next, and maybe next-after next step.
  4. This information, as well as …
  5. … this is relevant, because I often need to know how much time there is left (e.g. when the kids ask for my attention). This in a bigger font would be amazing.

I hope this makes sense!