blockchain-working-group / agendas

Agendas for weekly blockchain working group meetings
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Potential Use Cases #14

Open fdevaulx opened 4 months ago

fdevaulx commented 4 months ago


tiannau commented 4 months ago

Four questions to ask to determine if Blockchain is appropriate for an enterprise solution

  1. Are there multiple groups that need to establish/instantiate trust
  2. Are there multiple parties sharing or updating the same data
  3. Is there a requirement for verification
  4. Can intermediaries be removed and reduce cost and complexity

Common business patterns

afomi commented 4 months ago

re: flowcharts

afomi commented 4 months ago


afomi commented 4 months ago

ChatGPT 4 responded:

  1. Financial Services:

    • Cryptocurrencies and Digital Payments: Facilitating fast, secure, and low-cost transactions without the need for traditional banking systems.
    • Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Offering financial instruments without the need for intermediaries, including lending platforms, yield farming, and decentralized exchanges.
    • Cross-border Payments: Simplifying and reducing the cost of sending money across borders.
  2. Supply Chain Management:

    • Provenance Tracking: Ensuring the authenticity of products by tracking their journey from origin to consumer.
    • Counterfeit Prevention: Helping to prevent the distribution of counterfeit goods.
    • Real-time Visibility: Providing all stakeholders with real-time visibility into the supply chain.
  3. Identity Verification:

    • Digital Identities: Enabling individuals to control their personal information and share their identity securely online.
    • KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering): Streamlining the process for compliance with regulatory requirements.
  4. Voting Systems:

    • Secure Voting: Offering a secure, transparent, and tamper-proof system for elections, reducing the potential for fraud and increasing trust in the electoral process.
  5. Healthcare:

    • Patient Records: Securely storing and sharing patient records between institutions to improve the quality of care.
    • Drug Traceability: Tracking the production, distribution, and sale of pharmaceuticals to ensure safety and compliance.
  6. Intellectual Property Protection and Royalties:

    • Content Management: Managing copyrights and ensuring creators are fairly compensated for the use of their work.
    • Royalty Distribution: Automating the distribution of royalties to artists, writers, and musicians.
  7. Smart Contracts:

    • Automated Agreements: Enabling the execution of contracts automatically when certain conditions are met, without the need for intermediaries.
    • Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs): Facilitating the operation of a company or organization without a centralized authority.
  8. Gaming and Virtual Goods:

    • Ownership of In-Game Assets: Allowing players to truly own, buy, sell, and trade their in-game assets across different games and platforms.
    • Decentralized Gaming Platforms: Creating games that operate on a blockchain, providing transparency and fairness.
  9. Real Estate:

    • Property Ownership and Transfers: Streamlining the process of buying and selling real estate by securely recording property ownership and transactions.
  10. Education and Credentialing:

    • Verifiable Credentials: Issuing verifiable digital credentials, such as diplomas and certificates, reducing fraud and simplifying the verification process.