blockchain / service-my-wallet-v3

Blockchain Wallet API Service
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Unable to decode newly generated coins #430

Open thecandypup opened 4 years ago

thecandypup commented 4 years ago

Hi This is my issue which I have very limited knowledge on how bitcoin code works. I just saw the quote The "consolidate addresses" endpoint has been omitted from this page In the past I would receive this message if I tried to send from my wallet online it would say "please consolidate addresses". How would I process the coins using the new HD wallet if the balance shows up in my api but no balance when I sign into my online wallet? Do I have to create a new wallet with the api service I'm not sure how to do this. I do not want to mess things up more. If anyone has a simple explanation this would be great. But then if these are non standard transactions then the non standard problem could be the issue. Any Ideas????

I have addresses in my which say unspendable RBF. I not sure if you can access my request to I’m trying to explain the issue sorry if I repeat myself. I do not know the wallet service number I started my wallets in 2013 and the node versoin is 12.6.0 from digital ocean bcoin droplet which was giving me the api information from my wallet. I would receive error messages if I tried to send payment to different address. Maybe I do not have the correct code to use or it is a code issue with My online wallet balance says zero my api balance returns balances with value such as array(1) { ["balance"]=> int(89914608345) } See example below for the list returns I sent a help request to they told me to open an issue at github.

My last message to blockchain support. Their response back was for me to do an issue post at github. I think the issue is I do not know how to do the code to activate the coins. I'm trying to figure out how to process the coins sorry if what I say is confusing. "side note if you think about it bitcoin is crypto and it has to be decrypted”. No one had access to my wallet. The code to decode probably needs to be written or I need to Understand how to decode and process the coins or the bitcoin community is overlooking many bitcoins which need to be processed. The coins in my wallet may be the nonstandard coins and when the code changed to omit the original bitcoin foundation these coins could be sitting in storage.

If you can help with any information you find out about these coins from these sites please let me know if you can help. The treasure hunt article from the attached PNG files I found On Reddit and it says treasure hunt coins are valid if you know how to process them.

Attached PNG files is the information about the treasure hunt. Back in 2013 the buried key site had addresses which had buried treasured attached.

These are the error messages from the API tries

ERROR Object message in digital Ocean console

And these messages in browser server when I run it.

array(1) { ["error"]=> string(34) "Unexpected error, please try again" }

Then I reduced fee

array(1) { ["error"]=> string(37) "Error signing and pushing transaction" }

These are the type of responses when I do a get balance api the amount can change but the format is the same. I received this response back

array(1) { ["balance"]=> int(89914608345) }

Here is information from my list request

No Inputs (Newly Generated Coins) Unable to decode from my wallet

My API response from my wallet when I did the “LIST’ response a long list of addresses was returned Examples.

1N2RSVVp1HhQqvk54XEEAZGr4ite3tjXcd" ["balance"]=> int(95998090) ["total_received"]=> int(3592553662) } [144]=> array(3) { ["address"]=> string(34) "

No Inputs (Newly Generated Coins) Unable to decode from my wallet

My API response from my wallet “LIST” response.

1JctyjhxJibGe94pA88MdvjfKeyK7K6gnk" ["balance"]=> int(275425004) ["total_received"]=> int(921064527) } [153]=> array(3) { ["address"]=> string(34) "

PG1 Treasure Hunt pg2 Treasure Hint pg3 Treasure Hunt pg 4 Treasure Hunt