blockchainforsocialimpact / incubator

Decentralized Impact Incubator brings projects through coached virtual incubation with a goal to launch new open source projects using blockchain for social impact.
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[$10,000] - Sustainable Cities #2

Open BSICoalition opened 4 years ago

BSICoalition commented 4 years ago

Additional bonuses for building on sponsor products

SDG #11 Sustainable Cities and Communities Cities consume 80 percent of energy production worldwide and account for a roughly equal share of global greenhouse gas emissions. Many cities struggle with environmental degradation, traffic congestion, and inadequate urban infrastructure. City citizens all over the world deserve better basic services, including access to clean water, sanitation, and waste management. How do we design and build cities of the future that sustain the well-being of people, economies, and our planet? How can we breakdown the structural racism built into our economies and cities as we invest in sustainable infrastructure?

The Challenges from BSIC The general objective of these bounties are to build solutions that solve for one of more of the categories of this incubator: Carbon Footprint, Sustainable Cities, Plastics & Pollution.

Prompts from Partners

Submission Requirements We expect all bounties to be comprised of two distinct parts: product and potential. For the product, we will accept submissions in all formats, including but not limited to wireframes, landing page, prototypes, or production code. For potential, we've outlined information that we expect to see below. It can be delivered in any format, including but not limited to a report, a presentation, or a video. All submissions, including all code, must be open source for future use and reference by the community, and links to external documents must be provided in the Github repo submission.

As these bounties are broad and left up to your own discretion, we expect you to deliver the following items tailored for your specific solution:

We also are looking for participating teams to articulate both broadly and specifically how their proposed solution affects widespread systemic change. A team that delivers a specific solution must show us how this solution can be rolled out more broadly to have a broad impact on the issue at large. Conversely, a team that solves in generalities must describe how they anticipate testing their ideas in specific, measurable experiments.

Submission Deadline All submissions for this bounty must be submitted by 11:59:59 PM EST April 8, 2020.

Judging Criteria We are looking for projects that address a real problem and teams that have shown the progress and entrepreneurial instincts to make something real and get it out in the world. Because this bounty is open-ended and has room for more creative expression, the judging will consider these aspects when selecting a winner. Specific scoring rubric is as follows:

Judging Period and Announcement Date A judging period will be run from April 9 to April 20 and the bounty will be awarded to a winning submission [$6,500 value] and runner up [$1,500 value] on or about Earth Day, April 22, 2020.

Reward The total reward amount for this bounty is [$10,000 value].

Instructions Resources to help with this challenge can be found here:

Communication Find us on our BSIC DII Channel and/or drop your questions here.

Additional Terms of Service This is a Skills Contest open only to persons who are of legal age to form a binding contract (Age of Majority) in the jurisdiction where they reside at the time of entry. Each person must also qualify with the Gitcoin Account Terms of Use available at and the GitHub Account Terms of Service available at to enter. Last submission accepted by 11:59:59 p.m. EST on April 8, 2020. See Full Official Rules for details.

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 0.001 DAI (0.0 USD @ $1.0/DAI) attached to it as part of the blockchainforsocialimpact fund.

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 10 months, 2 weeks ago. Please review their action plans below:

1) maxgrok has started work.

Auctioning Freelancer Time to Top Notch Companies - provide a 2-sided marketplace for top freelancers and top companies to coordinate their labor on projects without an intermediary, incorporating reputation points and the sale of NFTs that represent developer time. This will decrease the carbon footprint of workers and increase access to opportunity for all sorts of freelancers, lowering the barrier between education and employment.

Action Plan: Meet once a week and make progress on criterion for the site.

Gitcoin team members: burleebau, maxgrok 2) kisgus has started work.

We plan to build a web-app enabling non-technical end-users & NGOs to contribute to token-bonding curves powering local inclusive community currencies. We are currently investigating our scope in terms of:

Project repo:

Current team members: @amiromayer @seichris @kisgus 3) netpoe has started work.

IBEX is in the challenge of bringing global financial inclusion to Central America. Beginning with Guatemala, IBEX's goal is to bring crypto to the region by enabling tailored Bitcoin, Ethereum & other cryptocurrencies "brick & mortar" exchanges in places where 95% have access to 1 or 2 smartphones, but less than 25% has access to a bank account. IBEX will enable anyone in the country to access capital from all over the world, cheaper and faster than with traditional banking. Access to global capital, together with proffessional mentorship, Guatemala's communities can start seeing progress in a short period of time with simple improvements such as installing modern energy and water transports, or even street pavement. 4) cleancoindev has started work.

I will submit a more detailed document about the plan ahead. This solution is a CityShield grid that pays all people in cryptocurrency to monitor the pollution in their cars or local homes and they get blockchain stored to keep them from being modified by corrupted actors at the gov level. This project works with a Deep Tech charity that has technology that removes 50% of the pollution in a given city once installed. Intersection level management is possible with the high resolution CityShield. This project with crypto implementation removes the corruption and accountability issues and allows the data to become immutable and thus, a trustworthy peer reviewable data source for science. 5) redoudou has started work.

Project name : Lease At Block

Goal : Lease At Block manages, stores and transfers Rent-stabilized lease into a secured, immutable and traceable blockchain.

Repo : 6) orbanz has started work.

True profit calculation as a solution for eco-accountability and human wealth

Darwin's “survival of the fittest” theory explains the ecological crisis. In contrast to man’s ancestors, now, the fittest is the richest in terms of money. Financial profit increases exponentially along with planetary debt, since inferior products with negative climate impact are cheaper to produce and sell than sustainable products. The planet doesn't collect debts from an individual but from an entire society and with considerable delay. In other words; the current economy encourages eco-damage rather than eco-accountability. Considering the nature of the fittest in society, we believe that in order to promote eco-accountability and human wealth, our economy needs to redefine the concept of profit.

We want to develop a framework for true profit calculation, based on the existing model of planetary accounting. To redefine the capitalist model and match the actual variables (including the eco-cost).To inventorize the needs for a decent life (to underpin a holistic approach to basic income). A framework that is beneficial enough to society to actually stand a chance against the current economic reality of unfair competition (by launching a cryptocurrency and monetising planetary profit).

It presumes that consumers lack freedom of choice because they lack the resources to pay for the most sustainable option, when there is a cheaper alternative. The human urge for self-preservation is greater than the urge for planetary preservation, although there is an imminent co-dependency between both. Such a framework could help consumers make sustainable choices by

1) making planetary preservation a benchmark for profit

2) monetising this profit through a new cryptocurrency and

3) providing a guaranteed fulfilment of basic needs, alongside the monetary system as we know it today.

The core concept is built around a mechanism- adopting current monetary policy logic and methods- that accepts that neither the consumer, nor the producer or the state will pay the calculated social and planetary costs, instead it monetises the planetary costs not made for a particular product compared to the market standard.

In today’s economy it should operate as a virtual invisible hand closing the gaps of unfair competition between A, companies making huge financial profits by operating at high social and planetary costs, and B operating at low social and planetary costs and low financial profits. 7) jpaulet has started work.

commūnitās is targeting the lack of individually tackle economic, social and climate change issues. The platform brings the community together in order to reach common goals by creating DAO’s to archive it.

Though blockchain DAOs, communities could pool for a common interest. Blockchain allows users to register goals, develop their collective policies, contract specifications, pool together -use of compound interest considered- and eventually, reach that goal.

We want to create a replicable, from global to local DAO framework in order to be able and facilitate the creation of multiple organizations where people come together to solve and improve sustainability problems in a wide range of areas, following the UN SDG.

With our approach, we address the problem of lack of tools to build secure & trustworthy organizations that could, in a quick & easy way, solve local problems by gather together people with similar interests in a reliable way.

Our action plan is to follow the Decentralized Impact Incubator weekly plan, with weekly deliverables & actions.

Team members: @jpaulet, @mmmnmz, @cgromaches Repo URL: 8) moisesja has started work.

Our aim is to provide a platform for those communities in Opportunity Zones (as designated by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service) where developers/investors, and residents of those communities can equally benefit from tax-exemptions while stimulating their local economy, aid in the creation of jobs, and most important have a sense of participation and belonging. The Use Cases that will be detailed in the further weeks involve the blockchain as a way of tokenizing the equity of those investments. We intend for the government (local, state, federal) to incentivize the participation of the community through tax breaks and contribution matching. The investors in the community will be issued ERC-20 tokens that correspond to the invested amount. As the the real estate investment produces profits, the token owners will benefit from dividends and tax exemptions. As the system grows in complexity. Equity owners will be able to vote on by-laws, tenants, and other administrative tasks of their investment with the use of Smart Contracts. Our plan in the next few weeks is to refine the idea, produce a sustainable business model, and produce a simple protoype that conveys our vision for this platform.

Team Members: Moises E. Jaramillo: moisesja Dixita Sharegard: dixita-90 Manuel Gonzalez: tu-charro Marshall Rithik Joseph: rithikpro

Project Github: 9) bobeu has started work.

  1. Form a team.
  2. We will examine problem associated with the topic in debate. 3, Begin work.
  3. Evaluate our work.
  4. Submit.

Stay tuned for more information. 10) amritshenava98 has started work.

I am a intermediate in Blockchain and have a few ideas and am yet to finalize on what I plan to work on. 11) masaun has started work.

I will build dApp for contribute to realize sustainable cities. 12) tota999 has started work.

Check out this bounty that pays out 0.25 ETH #HTML #CSS #Design 13) steviedeeee has started work.

I'm contributing as a Mentor to one of the teams. 14) marcomu has started work.

I will rule the world with gitcoin tools 15) wfsterling has started work.

Much of the research for the need for a solution has been completed. WolfPack is now focusing on infrastructure and a POC to continue building a human-centered-design solution to a human problem. The aim of this team is to build a testable product, one to used in the presentations to various city council and business leaders in the community. Part of our POC is scalability, how other cities across the country can implement identical solutions. 16) rasheey97-alt has started work. 17) xuanmir has started work.

  1. Assemble team
  2. Define scope of the prototype
  3. Write documentation
  4. Design UX
  5. Create content
  6. Spread around the webz
  7. Attract open source community
  8. Convince local government to allow pilot project
  9. Launch experimentation

Team members: @xuanmir @julienbrg

Project repo: 18) yuscopefly has started work.

Using Blockchain Solution To Alleviate Pollution in Nigeria Through Waste Recycling 19) rahmanunjan has started work.

I will outline a plan, look at how to monetize it, validate it with a small customer base, build an application, test and reiterate. 20) emanherawy has started work.

We are building an app that will incentive individuals to act well and provide new opportunity for low income / homeless people repo : 21) distributeddoge has started work.

We are entering the track with tool-sharing marketplace called KiezDAO that we have been working on from the start of the contest.

We hope that by promoting sharing with neighbors (motivated either by godwill or by desire to profit) over buying tools from overseas we would strengthen local communities and make local economies more resilient.

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

cleancoindev commented 4 years ago

I have made much progress in integrating the systems needed to back this system, much work has been done in research and development of the proper and secure implementations that can lead to the successful start of these projects in the real world scenarios they will be starting within this coming year. This project is not a theory, but a real world application and the concepts are fully factual, just a key reminder here on that point. This solutions will be implemented weather they win the solution category bounties or not.

Thank you for the excuse to dump all my time and focus into this project, I appreciate your bountiful bounties and boundless generosity. Thank you for helping us make this a reality faster! :)

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 0.001 DAI (0.0 USD @ $1.0/DAI) has been submitted by:

  1. @cleancoindev
  2. @wfsterling
  3. @emanherawy
  4. @distributeddoge

@alexvotofuture please take a look at the submitted work: