blockchainsllc / in3

The IN3 client (written in C).
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The env could not deliver the requested value. #7

Open ligi opened 4 years ago

ligi commented 4 years ago

I am getting this when trying to interact with the ENS contract on main-net

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Exception: reaching max_attempts and giving up
[0x1]:The env could not deliver the requested value.
[0x1]:The env could not deliver the requested value.
[0x1]:The env could not deliver the requested value.
    at in3.IN3.send(Native Method)
ligi commented 4 years ago

this is the call that fails: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_call","params":[{"to":"0x314159265dd8dbb310642f98f50c066173c1259b","data":"0x0178b8bfee6c4522aab0003e8d14cd40a6af439055fd2577951148c14b6cea9a53475835"},"latest"],"id":1}

simon-jentzsch commented 4 years ago

hmm. I tried to reproduce it, but I send this request (through the comandline util) . I get a correct response:

ligi commented 4 years ago

Thanks for looking into this. Investigated a bit more. Also not seeing the problem when using the android app. I am only seeing the problem in a java program (desktop) that links against the jar. And as I currently cannot build the jar due to #5 my theory why this happens is that there was a change after 2.1.0 that fixes the problem. I am getting my jar from here: If you tag a 2.1.1 I can try with the latest code and see if this is the problem

simon-jentzsch commented 4 years ago

this is a good hint. The jar in the release is build by our CI and contains the shared libs for all the different platform. if you buuild this localy, youu would not be able to build the same jar.

I just tried it with current jar-version:

> java -cp in3.jar:. in3.IN3 eth_call '{"to":"0x314159265dd8dbb310642f98f50c066173c1259b","data":"0x0178b8bfee6c4522aab0003e8d14cd40a6af439055fd2577951148c14b6cea9a53475835"}' latest
ligi commented 4 years ago

Can I access the jar that your CI builds somehow?

leonardotc commented 4 years ago

Hello @ligi I am pretty sure this was corrected on the newer versions. Is this issue still happening? I was not able to reproduce with the current release (but i could somehow get the "could not deliver the requested value" on a previous build).

ligi commented 4 years ago

thanks - wanted to give it a new try anyway. Hope I find time this week - thanks for the comment

cerealkill commented 4 years ago

Hi @ligi , were you able to test it?