Please use this template to suggest a new event or update an existing event for the BBW website! You can also directly submit your event as a pull request to this repository. This will speed up things significantly!
# the name of your event
name = "Fueling Emerging Technologies: The role of institutions in building digital futures"
# shortest possible name (without year)
shortname = "Fueling Emerging Technologies: The role of institutions in building digital futures"
# type of the event
# available types (you can choose more):
# * meetup
# * conference
# * hackathon
# * expo
# * party
# * other
types = ["other-panel"]
# status of the event
# available types:
# * idea
# * planning
# * published
status = "published"
# the name of the group organizing the event
org = "JUST Open Source Stiftung & WebZero"
# the github handle of the directly responsible individual for this event
# (this person will coordinate with #bbw24 organizers)
dri = "curiousgeorge21"
# A point of contact (responsible person)
poc = "Lex Gillon"
# the start date of the event
date = "2024-05-22"
# how many days the event lasts (1 - N)
days = 1
# the event times (shows up in the event card)
times = "19:00-21:00"
# Link to venues from the Places table - use this OR enter venueName, venueUrl and venueAddress
# venues = ["gabriel-loci"]
# the event venue name
venueName = "NEST Schank- und Speisewirtschaft"
# link to the venue on open-street maps
venueUrl = ""
# the event venue address
venueAddress = "Görlitzer Str. 52, 10997 Berlin"
# the languages in which the event will take place (you can choose more)
languages = ["english"]
# the max number of attendees of the event
attendees = 60
# blockchains that the event deals with
# if it is an interchain event, then leave blank
chains = [""]
# tags for the event, will show up as labels.
# pick 1-4
tags = ["government", "startups", "society", "innovation"]
# A logo attachment
logo = "l![w3 Futures #1 (5)]("
# a description of the event.
description = """
Innovation doesn't just happen. It takes an institutional mindset that facilitates new business creation, IP ownership, and talent acquisition. Berlin, with its thriving blockchain ecosystem, is doing something right. The question is: what can we teach teach the rest of the world? In this panel, we bring three of Berlin's biggest institutions (IHK, Berlin Senate, and Berlin Partner) together to discuss what role institutions play in building the future of the decentralized web - a mission that is famously anti-institution?
# link to call for particioation
link = ""
# type of registration
# Possible values:
# * tickets
# * invites
# * signup
type = "signup"
# price of the ticket
price = "0 EUR"
# link to the registration or ticket purchase page
link = ""
# custom action button label
#button = "Sign up!"
# status of registrations
# Possible values:
# * available
# * sold-out
# * closed
status = "available"
Please use this template to suggest a new event or update an existing event for the BBW website! You can also directly submit your event as a pull request to this repository. This will speed up things significantly!