blockcypher / explorer

Block explorer showcasing the BlockCypher APIs.
Apache License 2.0
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Running Blockcypher online? #198

Closed zilveer closed 4 years ago

zilveer commented 7 years ago

Hello, I managed to install this to the end, but I am unable to run it online on my VPS.

Below is the message I get when running it on the VPS.

When I run : heroku run python3 runserver I get the message No app specified

Can anyone please guide me so I can run this online?


[bitcoinuser@9eb9 explorer]$ foreman run python3 runserver
WARNING: without a POSTMARK_API_KEY you cannot send emails
WARNING: without a WEBHOOK_SECRET_KEY you cannot receive webhooks
SITE_DOMAIN is set to
If you're using webhooks locally, be sure this is correct
INFO 2017-08-27 14:52:08,974 base 7564 140423000012608 Raven is not configured (
logging is disabled). Please see the documentation for more information.
WARNING: without a POSTMARK_API_KEY you cannot send emails
WARNING: without a WEBHOOK_SECRET_KEY you cannot receive webhooks
SITE_DOMAIN is set to
If you're using webhooks locally, be sure this is correct
INFO 2017-08-27 14:52:10,045 base 7570 140673931937600 Raven is not configured (
logging is disabled). Please see the documentation for more information.
Performing system checks...

System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
August 27, 2017 - 14:52:10
Django version 1.7.1, using settings 'blockexplorer.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
mvcastellari commented 5 years ago

Did you solve this? I'm trying to figure how to do too, the documentation is very poor...