Get user stakes and analyze which stakes are unlocked
This can be done by either calling Staking or Delegate contract, based on the address "isKeyper" truth.
Then, "getUserStakeIds" must be called, followed by individual "stakes" function call for each stake id.
Lastly, by getting to know wether this stake is locked or unlocked, a sum of all unlocked stakes shall be done to achieve the desired total stkSHU unlocked amount.
Get user stakes and analyze which stakes are unlocked
This can be done by either calling Staking or Delegate contract, based on the address "isKeyper" truth. Then, "getUserStakeIds" must be called, followed by individual "stakes" function call for each stake id. Lastly, by getting to know wether this stake is locked or unlocked, a sum of all unlocked stakes shall be done to achieve the desired total stkSHU unlocked amount.