I renamed the swapId inside Swaplace.sol to _totalSwaps
I added the totalSwaps getter function at the end of the Swaplace.sol smart contract.
I used NatSpec format to write a brief description for the function
I renamed the swapId calls inside TestSwaplace.test.ts and TestSwaplace.sol to totalSwaps
Obs: In order to successfully run yarn test I had to improve the hardhat's solidity version to 0.8.20 due to the new interfaces inside the mock folder added previously, but I am not pushing the hardhat changes. Should I do it?
closes #120
getter function at the end of theSwaplace.sol
smart contract.swapId
calls insideTestSwaplace.test.ts
Obs: In order to successfully run
yarn test
I had to improve the hardhat's solidity version to0.8.20
due to the new interfaces inside the mock folder added previously, but I am not pushing the hardhat changes. Should I do it?