blockpy-edu / blockpy

Blockly that's more Python than JavaScript, powered with Skulpt
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LMS : connexion by email #112

Open DegrangeM opened 3 years ago

DegrangeM commented 3 years ago


I was developping something similar to blockpy when I discovered blockpy (too bad I didn't saw it before, but as I was too much advanced i decided to continue to do my things).

I tried to add it to moodle. It was a little hard because not everything is right (the return url after picking a course have encoding issue and isn't the good url, you have to use the edit url) but I finally managed to make it work.

However I discovered I couldn't use blockpy because all student on the moodle have the same fake email and blockpy only use the email to identify user and not email + name.

This might be smart to use email AND name to identify user.

Again I don't plan to use blockpy because I am creating my own things so it doesn't matter if this issue is solved or not but I thought it was a good idea to warn you about it.

acbart commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion! We are actually strongly considering this change. When I went through review of BlockPy by my administration, they mentioned the potential issue where people need to change their email address mid-semester. So far, we've handled it as a one-off situation, but eventually we do need to use a more robust identifier. I haven't wanted to switch things around, because it would affect ongoing experiments. But at some point we do hope to do a new version of the server.

I'm interested in hearing what you end up doing with your app. I'll point out that the components of BlockPy (its server, its client, and the BlockMirror dual text/block interface) are all meant to be separable. You might be able to steal parts of one without needing the rest, depending on your use cases. Either way, please let me know how things go!

DegrangeM commented 3 years ago

My app come in the form of a content-type for h5p that you maybe already know. It will allow me to add it easily to the moodle of my school. The good things is that it doesn't need a server (well, exept moodle).

Here the repository :

For now it's working (but it's not finished) and the result can be temporary tested here :

If I am not wrong you ported matplotlib to skulpt (I discovered your project when searching how to use matplotlib on skulpt and someone pointed to your project), I will probably use your port when I get time to look on how ot work.

But it's really a shame I didn't found your repository earlier, that would have saved me a lots of time as I would just used project instead of creating my app :D What is also nice with your project is the block part that mine will not get.

DegrangeM commented 3 years ago

An other good things your project have is the error message that are really helpfull (in addition to detection of unused variable, etc.). What are the file that handle that ?

Also i see that the traceback button is not just a button to get information on error, but it also allow to see the value of variable line by line which is nice. What are the file that handle that ?

Anyway, my hollidays end tomorrow and I spent a big part of my hollidays coding my apps so I will probably look at all of this latter but not now :D