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Investigate adding heap canaries #150

Open AntonioND opened 1 month ago

AntonioND commented 1 month ago

Stack overflows in particular are very hard to detect and very dangerous, it would be very nice to have a system to create debug builds of a program that can detect this kind of issues.

The following can be used as inspiration:

EDIT: We already have stack canaries thanks to @asiekierka, only heap canaries are left.

AntonioND commented 3 weeks ago

As I've said in, now that we have stack protector support in libnds, we need a test for the stack protector (in examples/debug).

We should also add this to the documentation, eventually, as well as the default exception handler.

asiekierka commented 3 weeks ago

There's a test in BlocksDS now, and a separate documentation issue is open:

This leaves heap canaries.