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Investigate placing the LoadMe loader in a different region of DSi "hybrid" programs #152

Open asiekierka opened 1 month ago

asiekierka commented 1 month ago

Providing an opt-in workaround here would allow launching (smaller) NDS/DSi "hybrid" programs in MoonShell (or PassMe/WifiMe) while not affecting DSi mode support. As MoonShell's default loader is quite limited in many ways (and using PassMe/WifiMe for direct booting of homebrew essentailly non-existent for over a decade), I see no reason to make this a default; however, if such an option is to be added, its support across a variety of DSi homebrew execution environments should be investigated. The 0xE00 - 0xF7F region appears to be of particular interest here.

The code to edit is in ndstool.