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Deprecation policies and BLOCKSDS_STRICT #167

Open asiekierka opened 2 weeks ago

asiekierka commented 2 weeks ago

Currently, deprecation in BlocksDS is done in one of three ways:

In addition, a lot of larger refactors are prevented by the goal to allow legacy codebases to migrate to BlocksDS with a minimum of fuss. While we'd like to be able to replace functions with more intuitive ones in some areas, this would require us to either remove the old functions (breaking this goal) or keep around both (confusing to the end user and allowing them to still rely on the legacy functions).

The JavaScript ecosystem, facing a not too dissimilar problem, has use strict as a way to forcibly disable some of the language's greatest warts. I propose a similar mechanism for BlocksDS:

This allows breaking new code without breaking old code for as long as we want to; in addition, it provides a more user-friendly upgrade path: someone upgrading from 1.2.0 to 2.0.0, say, could bump BLOCKSDS_STRICT by individual versions, only fixing a few incompatibilities at a time and testing if their homebrew program broke on any of the steps. This, then, makes the migration process less daunting.

An alternate approach, which has fewer benefits but may also prove to be less logistically complex, is making a libnds2 alternative library and freezing libnds as is except for minor bugfixes - essentially, creating new libraries as a way to do API breaks. However, I fear that this will just lead us to a situation where we're discussing a libnds3 next year - IMO, a libnds2 would be best made after we run out of things to BLOCKSDS_STRICT-ify.

asiekierka commented 1 week ago

If we're actually moving forward with this, do let me know - I'll prepare a PR to introduce BLOCKSDS_STRICT as soon as possible (as described above: for 1.3.0, just as an #ifdef on top of existing deprecations).

AntonioND commented 1 week ago

Sure, you can go ahead.

asiekierka commented 1 week ago