blockworks-foundation / lite-rpc

This is a solana lite rpc which optimizes sending transactions and confirming transactions strategies.
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Invalid params error during transaction confirmation #402

Open vexelgray opened 1 week ago

vexelgray commented 1 week ago


I am using Lite-RPC and everything seems to be working correctly, however, when I try to confirm the transaction, I see this in the logs and the transaction never confirms:

2024-06-25T18:08:32.467343Z DEBUG lite_rpc::rpc_pubsub: Error parsing optional "signature" as "Signature": ErrorObject { code: InvalidParams, message: "Invalid params", data: Some(RawValue("invalid type: string \"5RfJ7N9KmMjCg6VYNCFH2zb2X3pNfuDWgimrCLKAAiVzfzN4mETJt8cEibbLxXCttAcURqjP7EGwYiV6LXbp2jWv\", expected struct GenericArray at line 1 column 90")) }
2024-06-25T18:08:32.467399Z DEBUG lite_rpc::rpc_pubsub: Error parsing optional "signature" as "Signature": ErrorObject { code: InvalidParams, message: "Invalid params", data: Some(RawValue("invalid type: string \"5RfJ7N9KmMjCg6VYNCFH2zb2X3pNfuDWgimrCLKAAiVzfzN4mETJt8cEibbLxXCttAcURqjP7EGwYiV6LXbp2jWv\", expected struct GenericArray at line 1 column 90")) }
2024-06-25T18:08:32.467445Z DEBUG lite_rpc::rpc_pubsub: Error parsing optional "signature" as "Signature": ErrorObject { code: InvalidParams, message: "Invalid params", data: Some(RawValue("invalid type: string \"5RfJ7N9KmMjCg6VYNCFH2zb2X3pNfuDWgimrCLKAAiVzfzN4mETJt8cEibbLxXCttAcURqjP7EGwYiV6LXbp2jWv\", expected struct GenericArray at line 1 column 90")) }

I am using the following code in my Typescript client:

const signature = await this.connection.sendTransaction(transaction)`${new Date().toISOString()} Subscribing to transaction confirmation`);`Signature is ${signature}`);

const confirmedTransaction = await this.connection.confirmTransaction(

if (!confirmedTransaction.value.err){
    return true;
} else {
    return false;

Could you please help me with this issue?


jcatal commented 1 week ago


Try ".... sendTransaction(transaction. serialize() )" on first line of your ts object.

Or try this :

import { Transaction, Connection} from "@solana/web3.js";

const wallet = ;

const serializedTransaction = Buffer.from(transaction, "base64");

const txt = Transaction.from(serializedTransaction);

const signedTransaction = await wallet.signTransaction(txt);

const signature = await connection.sendTransaction( signedTransaction.serialize() );

const result = await connection.confirmTransaction(signature); return { result, signature };

vexelgray commented 1 week ago

Hey @jcatal

The transaction sends correctly and lands, so I believe the way it is constructed is not the issue. The problem occurs when using the confirmation method, as it seems to expect a GenericArray, which is causing the error.

The transaction is a versionedTransaction, which I construct in the following way:

const messageV0 = new TransactionMessage({
  instructions: [
  payerKey: wallet.publicKey,
  recentBlockhash: latestBlockHash.blockhash

const transaction = new VersionedTransaction(messageV0);

I also tried converting the versionedTransaction to a transaction in the following way, which also works and lands:

const message = TransactionMessage.decompile(transaction.message);
let tx = new Transaction(); => {
  tx = tx.add(ix);
tx.feePayer = message.payerKey;
tx.recentBlockhash = message.recentBlockhash;
let signer: Signer = wallet!

const tx_sig = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(this.connection, tx, [signer]);

But the same issue occurs, the transaction lands, but the following error appears:

Error parsing optional "signature" as "Signature": ErrorObject { code: InvalidParams, message: "Invalid params", data: Some(RawValue("invalid type: string \"5RfJ7N9KmMjCg6VYNCFH2zb2X3pNfuDWgimrCLKAAiVzfzN4mETJt8cEibbLxXCttAcURqjP7EGwYiV6LXbp2jWv\", expected struct GenericArray at line 1 column 90")) }

jcatal commented 1 week ago

You can probably find some infos about the error, in the source code of lite-rpc : /lite-rpc/src/, at line 8 and line 48 It seems to use solana_sdk::signature::Signature links for solana-sdk signature infos : --> you can read : "#[deprecated (since = "1.16.4", note = "Please use 'Signature::from' or 'Signature::try_from' instead")]" --> the current lite-rpc version seems to use solana-sdk = "~1.18.15", see cargo.toml file, line 31 on root dir of lite-rpc. --> so try to replace line 8 on /lite-rpc/src/, from "use solana_sdk::signature::Signature;" to "use solana_sdk::signature::Signature::from;" or "use solana_sdk::signature::Signature::try_from;"

vexelgray commented 6 days ago

It seems that doesn't solve the problem, as it can't be imported in the way you mentioned.

Whether I try to import solana_sdk::signature::Signature::from or solana_sdk::signature::Signature::try_from, the compiler shows an error:

error[E0432]: unresolved import `solana_sdk::signature::Signature`
 --> lite-rpc/src/
8 | use solana_sdk::signature::Signature::try_from;
  |                            ^^^^^^^^^ `Signature` is a struct, not a module

It seems that doesn't solve the problem either...

jcatal commented 5 days ago

Hello, Maybe you may modify the code, instead of modifying the "use solana_sdk::signature..." For instance if the code contains "signature", or "Signature", then you may modify it following the source code of --> "from(signature: Signature)" instead of "signature" or "Signature" for example --> l'm trying to figure out what to do, I have the same problem

I have the same problem than your, it seems to be a problem of arrays too, it says `type|type 'expected instead of [this that].

vexelgray commented 3 days ago

It seems new update solve the problem, but only working with Transaction not versionedTransaction

godmodegalactus commented 2 days ago

Ok will fix the issue with versioned transactions.

godmodegalactus commented 2 days ago

It seems new update solve the problem, but only working with Transaction not versionedTransaction

How do you send versioned trasnsaction ?

godmodegalactus commented 2 days ago

This tests work for me :

function createVersionedMessage(blockhash: string, payer: PublicKey): MessageV0 {
    return new MessageV0({
        header: {
            numRequiredSignatures: 1,
            numReadonlySignedAccounts: 0,
            numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts: 0,
        staticAccountKeys: [payer, MEMO_PROGRAM_ID],
        recentBlockhash: blockhash,
        compiledInstructions: [{
            programIdIndex: 1,
            accountKeyIndexes: [],
            data: Buffer.from(crypto.randomBytes(20).toString('hex')),
        addressTableLookups: [],

test('send and confirm versioned transaction', async () => {
    const { blockhash, lastValidBlockHeight } = await connection.getLatestBlockhash();
    const message = createVersionedMessage(blockhash, payer.publicKey);
    let versionedTransaction = new VersionedTransaction( message, [payer.secretKey])
    const signature = await connection.sendRawTransaction(versionedTransaction.serialize(), {});
    await connection.confirmTransaction({
        abortSignal: undefined
jcatal commented 1 day ago

Thank you godemodegalactus, for your replies and good work, you are very capable 👍

vexelgray commented 1 day ago

Nice! It's working with versionedTx with the new release!

Thank you!