blocto / solana-go-sdk

Solana Golang SDK
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UpdateMetadataAccount returning deprecated error #154

Closed Nunompf closed 4 months ago

Nunompf commented 4 months ago


The instruction in metaplex/token_metadata 'UpdateMetadataAccount' is returning a deprecated error: 2024/02/21 10:00:18 failed to send tx, err: {"code":-32002,"message":"Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instructionrogram error: 0x4b","data":{"accounts":null,"err":{"InstructionError":[0,{"Custom":75}]},"logs":["Program metaqbxxUerdq28cj1RbAWkbt518x1s invoke [1]","Program log: This instruction was deprecated in a previous release and is now removed","Program metaqbxxUerYQm3ybzjb6a8bt518x1s consumed 2371 of 200000 compute units","Program metaqbxxUerdq28cj1RbAWkYQm3ybzjb6a8bt518x1s failed: custom p: 0x4b"],"returnData":null,"unitsConsumed":0}}

I'm also using the example provided in the docs

I belive this could be because in the official metaplex docs they have upgraded the instruction? As seen in here

yihau commented 4 months ago

thank you for pointing this out. I will update them soon!

yihau commented 4 months ago

I added UpdateMetadataAccountV2. this one should be fixed in v1.27.0!