blodow / realtime_urdf_filter

ROS package that can filter geometry defined in URDF models from Kinect depth images. Can also preprocess data for the OpenNI tracker, to remove backgrounds, robots etc.
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realtime_urdf_filter crash #17

Closed howardjchen closed 6 years ago

howardjchen commented 7 years ago

Hi all : Recently I run the realtime_urdf_filter by kinectV2 sensor. The package I used was form @JimmyDaSilva : JimmyDaSilva/realtime_urdf_filter When I start to launch filter_kinectV2.launch, everything went well, but when the node starts to subscribe my kinectV2 topic, the node crashed and the gui will pop up and close immediately. The follwing the the snapshot for the crashing terminal :

Did anyone meet this problem before ? Many thanks at first .

By the way, everything went well on my other computer The only difference is the GPU on the other computer is Nvidia GTX970. Could the GPU cause the crashing problem ?

JimmyDaSilva commented 7 years ago

@s880367 All the computation is based on the GPU. If you managed to make it work on the other computer that probably means that your installation of the gpu is not correct on this one. What you could do to check quickly is too run libfreenect2 with opengl. Inside your libfreenect2/build/bin, run Protonect with the gl argument: ./Protonect gl

helloshyreckdc commented 6 years ago

@s880367 hello guy, I have the same problem with you. Do you solve this problem finally? @JimmyDaSilva I use openni2 to launch a xtion camera, I can't find libfreenect2, do you have any suggestion to debug?

JimmyDaSilva commented 6 years ago

@helloshyreckdc libfreenect2 is only for KinectV2 any way. Well... what happens exactly? any errors ? or just a segfault ? Can you show what you have on the terminal ?

helloshyreckdc commented 6 years ago

@JimmyDaSilva Thank you for reply. I clone this repository and catkin_make successfully. However, when I want to launch realtime_urdf_filter.launch, error occurred. error_message just an exit code -11, the difference between s880367 and me is that his terminal displayed roslaunch will exit while my terminal is just stuck there unless I press ctrl+c to stop it error message2 then I check the log file, but can't find something to solve this problem. logfile I notice you said "All the computation is based on the GPU." Apart from installing the Nvidia drivers, is there any other configuration? When I set the parameter show_gui to true. The window showed up and closed immediately.

JimmyDaSilva commented 6 years ago

Ok. Then it's probably related to OpenGL. I cannot be of any more help than that sorry. You can check PR #19 to see what I discussed there.

Basically make sure you have installed the 3rd party libraries correctly as explained in the README:

This package requires the following: 3rd party libraries

GLSL (GL Shader Language) version 1.40 support or greater GLEW (GL Extension Wrangler) version 1.6 NOTE: Trying to use thie package with GLEW 1.5 wil result in a segmentation fault.

helloshyreckdc commented 6 years ago

@JimmyDaSilva Thank you very much! I will check #19, if I have any progress, I will comment here.

helloshyreckdc commented 6 years ago

@JimmyDaSilva Hello, you are right! It's the problem of opengl. I have two graphic cards, because of my wrong configuration, the one I used yesterday can support up to opengl 3.0(include GLSL1.30 which not meet the dependency required ), I change the graphic card today, and now the project can work successfully. Thank you again for your kind help!

JimmyDaSilva commented 6 years ago

@helloshyreckdc Happy to help. I am glad it works now.

@s880367 Please close this issue