blodow / realtime_urdf_filter

ROS package that can filter geometry defined in URDF models from Kinect depth images. Can also preprocess data for the OpenNI tracker, to remove backgrounds, robots etc.
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[Question] why publish topic $(arg kinect_name)/camera_info #30

Closed lyh458 closed 3 years ago

lyh458 commented 3 years ago

Hi, thanks for your awesome works! When I use the forked repo of Jimmy DA SILVA @JimmyDaSilva with the command roslaunch realtime_urdf_filter filter_kinectV2.launch kinect_name:=kinect2 quality:=qhd, a new topic /kinect2/camera_info was published by node /kinect2_realtime_urdf_filter among the topics in the picture above, topics:


are published by the diver of Kinect V2.

I am so doubted that why does the topic /kinect2/camera_info be published by the node /kinect2_realtime_urdf_filter and where defined the publisher? Is there any use of this topic?

And here is my code of filter_kinectV2.launch


  <arg name="kinect_name" default="kinect2" />
  <arg name="quality" default="qhd" />

  <node pkg="realtime_urdf_filter" type="realtime_urdf_filter" name="$(arg kinect_name)_realtime_urdf_filter" output="screen">
    <remap from="~input_depth" to="/$(arg kinect_name)/$(arg quality)/image_depth_rect"/>
    <remap from="~output_depth" to="/$(arg kinect_name)/$(arg quality)/image_depth_rect_filtered" />
    <remap from="~output_mask" to="/$(arg kinect_name)/urdf_filtered_mask" />
    <param name="camera_frame" value="/$(arg kinect_name)_ir_optical_frame" />

    <!-- WARNING: This file contains a hack for the KinectV2 -->
    <rosparam command="load" file="$(find realtime_urdf_filter)/launch/iiwa_filter_parameters_kinectV2.yaml"/>

  <!-- <node name="robot_state_publisher" pkg="robot_state_publisher" type="robot_state_publisher">
  </node>            -->


and the filter_kinectV2_parameters.yaml:

fixed_frame: /base_link
#camera_frame: /kinect1_rgb_optical_frame
### WARNING: Add 0.02 is a HACK to make it work with the KinectV2
  translation: [0.0, 0.02, 0.0]
  rotation:    [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
# There is one entry for each URDIF that should be filtered
- model: "robot_description"
  tf_prefix: ""
# how far in front of the robot model is still deleted? (e.g. 0.05 = 5cm)
depth_distance_threshold: 0.15
show_gui: false
filter_replace_value: 0.0

Thanks again!

blodow commented 3 years ago

Hi Yihui!

I am sure the best person to ask would be jimmy, as his work is most recent on this project, it's been about 8 years that I've actively worked on this. The topic is published because of the advertiseCamera calls (, see also the docs ( I am not sure I can give any more details in this regard :D

Cheers, Nico

JimmyDaSilva commented 3 years ago

Hi @lyh458, Sorry but I don't have access to a Kinect2 right now to test this on my computer. Anyway, is it really a problem if there is an extra useless topic ? What is exactly your problem when using realtime_urdf_filter ?

lyh458 commented 3 years ago

@blodow @JimmyDaSilva Thanks for your replies and sorry for trouble you. And actually I have no any error about using this package, except for question of the redundant /camera_info topic. It seem that it is not a problem for me to get a result, the picture below is one of my result: Is that normal?

JimmyDaSilva commented 3 years ago

Perfect. Looks pretty good to me.

lyh458 commented 3 years ago

Grad to hear that. It seems that the topic is useless and isn't subscribed by any nodes. Thanks again.