blodow / realtime_urdf_filter

ROS package that can filter geometry defined in URDF models from Kinect depth images. Can also preprocess data for the OpenNI tracker, to remove backgrounds, robots etc.
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support primitive shapes (cylinders, boxes, spheres, ...) #33

Closed christian-rauch closed 3 years ago

christian-rauch commented 3 years ago

It seems that simple shapes, such as cylinders, are not supported when they are defined by their parameters in the URDF ( instead of providing them as mesh.

blodow commented 3 years ago

Hey Christian, could you check if your URDF model has the cylinder geometry in the <visual> or the <collision> tags? It's been a couple of years I've been using this package, but my code seems to only look at the <visual> tag. (

christian-rauch commented 3 years ago

It's in the visual tag:

      <origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0.0185"/>
        <cylinder length="0.037" radius="0.035"/>
      <material name="LightGrey">
        <color rgba="0.6 0.6 0.6 1.0"/>

I also see it in RViz, but the link is missing in the "Debug" GUI.

blodow commented 3 years ago

then maybe it's this here? :D

Others, e.g. Cube, are also commented, I think we never used URDF models with these links, and couldn't/didn't test it properly.

christian-rauch commented 3 years ago

then maybe it's this here? :D

Bingo! :-) This fixes the issue.

I added that "fix" to my PR.