blogvault / wpcom-migration

Migration Plugin for Migrations
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Open all BlogVault links in a new window #50

Closed markbiek closed 1 week ago

markbiek commented 1 week ago

Can the Blogvault links open in a new tab? This way, by the end of the migration, you’ll have the source site in one tab and the destination site in another tab, which improves efficiency when spot checking between the two sites.

bv-shivamsharma commented 1 week ago

Hi @markbiek

This is feasible, however, upon doing so, the 'Restart Migration' button will not have much significance on the 'cancel' as well as the 'fail' screen, as it just re-routes the user back to the admin page.

Also, we do not store the admin_url of the source site on our end and mainly use the browser's history to redirect the user back.


If you still wish to have the 'Restart Migration' button then I'll make the changes accordingly, please let me know

bv-shivamsharma commented 1 week ago

One more thing, given the wp-admin page, would still be opened on one tab, the user might get confused and copy the source site migration key onto the form.


markbiek commented 1 week ago

We may be talking about different things here. I've contacted the user to get more details.

sixhours commented 1 week ago

The TOC and Privacy Policy links open in a new tab now!