I needed to add this flag to get the current version of ca65 to work, otherwise it defaults to apple2enh.cfg which is the C linker config, which dies with:
ld65: Warning: /usr/local/Cellar/cc65/2.17/share/cc65/cfg/apple2enh.cfg(49): Segment STARTUP' does not exist ld65: Warning: /usr/local/Cellar/cc65/2.17/share/cc65/cfg/apple2enh.cfg(49): SegmentINIT' does not exist
ld65: Warning: /usr/local/Cellar/cc65/2.17/share/cc65/cfg/apple2enh.cfg(49): Segment ONCE' does not exist ld65: Error: /usr/local/Cellar/cc65/2.17/share/cc65/cfg/apple2enh.cfg(18): Start address of memory areaBSS' is not constant
I needed to add this flag to get the current version of ca65 to work, otherwise it defaults to apple2enh.cfg which is the C linker config, which dies with:
ld65: Warning: /usr/local/Cellar/cc65/2.17/share/cc65/cfg/apple2enh.cfg(49): Segment
STARTUP' does not exist ld65: Warning: /usr/local/Cellar/cc65/2.17/share/cc65/cfg/apple2enh.cfg(49): Segment
INIT' does not exist ld65: Warning: /usr/local/Cellar/cc65/2.17/share/cc65/cfg/apple2enh.cfg(49): SegmentONCE' does not exist ld65: Error: /usr/local/Cellar/cc65/2.17/share/cc65/cfg/apple2enh.cfg(18): Start address of memory area
BSS' is not constant