blonkm / rubiks-cube

WebGL Rubik's Cube
MIT License
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two more minor requests #44

Open bcube2 opened 9 years ago

bcube2 commented 9 years ago

1) Most common orientation of the cube (for scrambling for example) is white on top and green in front. Coul you make this orientation default? // it can already be done by both rotation moves and editing of stickers

2) when holding the real cube, the left and right sides/faces are almost invisible. Could you rotate the simulator slightly to the right so that it would correspond more with a real holding of the cube?

blonkm commented 9 years ago

It's better to make two issues if you actually have two different requests. But don't worry I'll make them myself. Let's just discuss the first one here.

1) Are you sure that white on top is useful? Most speedcubers start with a white cross, on the bottom of the cube. So in that case yellow should be on top. So if I would want to display a last layer algorithm it should be with the yellow layer on top.

I agree about nr. 2. I made a new issue for it (#45)

bcube2 commented 9 years ago

"It's better to make two issues if you actually have two different requests."

I am afraid those two tiny and really unimportant requests can not be count as one (compared to mobile version, e.g.). But understood.

"Are you sure that white on top is useful?"

As much as yellow one on top :-). Do not forget not all cubers use CFOP (granted, most of them use CFOP). As I mentioned before, scramble orientation is common with white on top. I will definitely use white-green-red corner as UFR corner when I describe notation (corners, edges and centers). Since I will be describing intuitive solution + blindfolding solution (among others), I will just change stickers or make a rotation: x2 y. No problem :-)