blonsky95 / DigiCoachAndroid

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0.7 - calendar navigation #13

Closed blonsky95 closed 4 years ago

blonsky95 commented 4 years ago

Use dialog or something to navigate to different weeks

blonsky95 commented 4 years ago

Ok, tomorrow I'll think about this

blonsky95 commented 4 years ago

So, add another button to day view in the bottom left corner

Props a dialog window to navigate - Displays current week, and then edit text which says go to: , has just one GO button

blonsky95 commented 4 years ago

More or less getting there A general clean up is needed

However, log ptg, changing week number works but at certain weeks it loses its shit and stays in October or something like that, investigate that. Also find a way of updating the adapter so the current and adjacent fragments update.

blonsky95 commented 4 years ago

Changing weeks works now, problem was that time in millis variable was Int and it was going out of range after 3+weeks time changes. It was changed to Long type.

Now the current and adjacent fragments need to be updated, notifyDataSetChanged doesn't work so will try out resetting like: yourPager.setAdapter(yourAdapter); yourPager.setCurrentItem(CurrentPosition);

blonsky95 commented 4 years ago

Done, should add to the date the day of week, instead of the DAYOFMONTH-MONTH-YEAR so users immediately know if its Monday, Friday, Sunday....