blonsky95 / DigiCoachAndroid

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0.14.1 - Design the Exercises (Viewer and Creator) section #39

Closed blonsky95 closed 4 years ago

blonsky95 commented 4 years ago

Exercises Viewer is done until final touches

Now working on the creator, waiting for a draft to start copying design from!!!!!!!!!!

blonsky95 commented 4 years ago

Created inflater layout files

title field - read and edit mode (2) non title field - read and edit mode (2)

so now have to generate UI by inflating those layouts, and assigning them values, not going to use visibility for this, buttons will come later. Also need to make this compatible with collecting the fields when saving the exercise.

google doc

inflating code

blonsky95 commented 4 years ago
blonsky95 commented 4 years ago

meeting tomorrow Monday at 11-11.30 to revise this

menus can wait and be done all in one? or do in a sec tomorrow?

blonsky95 commented 4 years ago

for menu just do this:

Please try this inside Toolbar layout,

blonsky95 commented 4 years ago

Make changes to non title non description fields + menu fixing + save button functionality

blonsky95 commented 4 years ago

Changes to fields done - and created drawable for back triangle button

NEXT - Changelayout of add field dialog NEXT - when saving an exercise, should take you to that exercise with read! NEXT - talk about menus? NEXT- check error on why results not working NEXT - next UI in day assigning

blonsky95 commented 4 years ago

Changelayout of add field dialog - DONE - but will probably have to modify a bit all the uses of dialog, so use this edit text dialog code as the example. Could add the second button of cancel if needed? ask guv

Next, saving an exercise, after updating or adding new one should take you to exercise creator in read mode! - DONE - should think about whats going to happen with Dataholder class

Menus - design wise the white triangle arrow - functionality wise it can be home or back - use finish() or flags - will have to test this better later - DONE

check error for results - done - button/textview confusion

NEXT - UI in day assigning

blonsky95 commented 4 years ago

in UI for Day Creator

Customizing the exerciseListadapter so some item holder properties such as visibility of images, background or text color can be set with variables, so use a function that initializes adapters every time so not repeating the variable assigning.

Right now I have an adapter that displays all exercises - next is making this adapter look like mine - aka remove picture to left and set as default right drawable the grey circle. - DONE

Then that tapping the imageRight adds the index to selected Indexes, and changes the drawable file. (selected indexes is then used when you touch add to diary) - DONE

Exercises already in the day should be checked + at the top (get array that orders them that way). To do this worst case scenario is sending an array with the exercises already in order of inday,not inday, and then the number of exercises that day contains (default 0) and then when binding or whatever it changes the drawable if its position is < than the number. - DONE

Finally, for the listener of selecting to work, will probably have to use it as a secondary button listener (is deletable thing) check the ItemViewHolder - DONE

blonsky95 commented 4 years ago

next couple of things:

Is the week thing up there going to work? does tapping a different day update the day you are adding exercises for? or just highlight the day of week you are adding this for? Ask luv first?

Design the Day fragment adapter - first to show colour if it has result (hard without the posibility of adding the result)

second - collapsible layout inflates all the fields of the result... right this down in paper first ++++ the button to add/modify the result

blonsky95 commented 4 years ago

ok so item holder day exercise is ready, DayExercise View Holder has variables declared, if we have holder parameter we can get the variables for the layout components and add the click listeners.

So first - tapping the view opens and closes the collapsible layout (should see +results button)

second - if contains results change colour of mainLinearLayout

third - build results programatically (just Note value) or message saying no results

blonsky95 commented 4 years ago

all of the previous done - also modified results adding so its like exercise where it doesnt take you back to viewer but to creator in VIEW mode

Next check if entering results from exercise works fine - YES - DONE

Next add button to go to exercise from weekviewer/day fragment - ASK LUV

Next when adding to dairy does the week day highlight change? - DONE

blonsky95 commented 4 years ago

add a question mark button from flat icon when inflating the layout to go to exercise - DONE

make results creator like exercise creator - DONE

blonsky95 commented 4 years ago

Results make Results Viewer like DayViewer and change colour of graph

Make edit text for plottable just numbers

blonsky95 commented 4 years ago

Make edit text for plottable - just numbers - .... talk with luv how I can do the results stuff, UI UX issue

blonsky95 commented 4 years ago

Calendar done as well more or less - needs a final touches/more specific check

atm from this ticket priority is figuring out what to do with plottable, how user can monitor

blonsky95 commented 4 years ago

Also talk with luv about putting somewhere something to upload a digital copy of your exercises/library, just a couple buttons really

blonsky95 commented 4 years ago
  1. How to monitor an exercise? how to use a plottable parameter?
  2. Where to put buttons for user to save or load the exercises to the cloud (Firestore)
blonsky95 commented 4 years ago

Design wise this is done, closing this and opening two new issues for the current 2 problems