bloom-housing / bloom

component-based web framework for affordable housing management
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Lotteries - Partner publish flow (FE) for Pilot #4051

Closed emilyjablonski closed 1 week ago

emilyjablonski commented 4 months ago

As a Property Manger before a lottery is released to me by an Admin, I want to see an empty state in my lottery tab with some explanatory text So I know what to expect, when I should see my results, and who to reach out to with questions/next steps.

As a Property Manger after a lottery is released to me by an Admin, I want to see the ability to "Publish" lottery from the lottery tab, So that I can go ahead and publish my lottery results.

As a Property Manager who is publishing the lottery from my portal, I want to be prompted to confirm the action through a modal, so that I am aware of the implications of the action I am taking.

As a Property Manager who is publishing the lottery from my portal, Once I confirm the action in my portal, I want to be able to export the lottery results from my lottery tab.



emilyjablonski commented 2 months ago

QA Notes Note that the Figma is no longer completely accurate. The confirmed copy and design is here - the copy in text is the confirmed copy, not the copy in the screenshots.

With the toggle on, visit a closed listing with a lottery as a partner, and you should see the lottery-not-yet-released card state.

Visit the listing as an admin and run / release the lottery.

As the partner, you should now see the publish-to-public card, and the modal when clicking publish.

After clicking publish, you see the export card.

sarahlazarich commented 1 month ago

Little bit of feedback on the empty state for Partners - I think this likely got lost in the copy updating shuffle, apologies for the confusion. We're missing the "Lottery is scheduled for" sentence from the copy doc. The date here should be the lottery date as entered on the listing.

"Lottery is scheduled for MM/DD/YYYY at 00:00. Doorway staff will run the lottery and perform a quality check on the results before making the lottery results accessible to you on the scheduled lottery date. Before viewing the lottery results, you will be prompted to publish the lottery data, which will email a notification to applicants that results are available in their account. Please email with any questions."

sarahlazarich commented 1 month ago

@emilyjablonski - I know we confirmed here that in core, we'll leave off the Doorway-specific terms that a Partner will need to accept. Do we need a separate ticket so we don't loose track of that? What makes sense?

sarahlazarich commented 1 month ago

For the pilot version, this looks good - we'll need to follow up with adding the "publish" button to Partners