bloom-works / guides-template

Placeholder repo for work on Bloom Guides
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Component: Resources #17

Closed jeffmaher closed 1 year ago

jeffmaher commented 1 year ago



Done When

jrubenoff commented 1 year ago

Visual Design

Here's what I have right now:

CleanShot 2023-06-14 at 16 55 38@2x

I'm assuming I can programmatically set the icon based on the URL's extension and domain. That is: a doc icon for a Google Doc, a PDF icon for PDFs, etc. I've never done that in 11ty before, so I might need some help (or, worst-case-scenario, we could just use the same icon for every public link.)

The lock icon is meant to indicate an invite-only doc. I'm assuming it's impossible to programmatically detect whether a GDoc is private, so authors will need to manually specify private links.

Assumptions I'm making

These buttons are so big because I'm assuming:

If that's not true, I'd want to make this component more visually lightweight.

I'm also assuming that:

Development Status

This is basically a nicely styled <ul>. I've committed an example to the storybook branch, and can open a draft PR with just this component once #5 and #6 are done.

Component API

This is a tricky one, given that each resource has multiple properties.

Here's what I have running in my local 11ty instance, which I'm not happy with:

{{ resources.render({
  headline: "Examples of Bloom research plans",
  links: [
      title: "Link One",
      url: "",
      private: true
      title: "Link Two",
      url: ""

I just realized I can use pseudo-elements to add the icon, so in the coming days I will try to simplify it to something that uses pure Markdown, like this:

{% set resourceList %}
- [Link One](
- [Link Two](
{% endset %}

{% resources links=resourceList %}

@jeffmaher @SMakaiTakori Let me know if you have any comments or questions!

jeffmaher commented 1 year ago

@SMakaiTakori to take a peak today/tomorrow, @jeffmaher can review tomorrow too.

jrubenoff commented 1 year ago

A component API update

I remembered that 11ty has paired shortcodes. So I've gotten this markup working locally:

{% resourceGroup %}
  {% publicResource "Bloom Works Homepage", "" %}
  {% publicResource "18F Guides", "" %}
  {% privateResource "Private Google Doc", "" %}
{% endresourceGroup %}

That code outputs the following:

CleanShot 2023-06-22 at 12 54 25@2x

Seems straightforward IMO. But please feel free to suggest any ways to make it simpler for non-engineers! (cc: @admoorgit)

SMakaiTakori commented 1 year ago

A component API update

I remembered that 11ty has paired shortcodes. So I've gotten this markup working locally. Seems straightforward IMO. But please feel free to suggest any ways to make it simpler for non-engineers! (cc: @admoorgit)

@jrubenoff Thanks for including the link to the paired shortcodes documentation, that was very helpful! I haven't used these shortcodes before but it does seem pretty intuitive to me.

The resulting design looks good to me. Although, I wonder if we would need to include some kind of key if we are marking some guides as private ? Just using the image shouldn't cause confusion but it might for some, thoughts on this @admoorgit ?

admoorgit commented 1 year ago

I like these! Only potential issue is if someone has a load of resources, it could get a lil beefy.

jrubenoff commented 1 year ago

@admoorgit Here's a revision:

CleanShot 2023-06-22 at 15 39 17@2x

Re: this comment:

Would LOVE to able to group by doc type — so all private are in a group, all PDF, etc.

I thought about that but I'm not sure that's the best presentation for the content. Two examples:

Let me know what you think!

SMakaiTakori commented 1 year ago
  • OK to change color of private docs only to black or gray, and all links that are accessible by all as green
  • Re: key @SMakaiTakori I think color change and a more substantive lock icon could work to differentiate without the need for a key, and I'd almost be temped to add [Bloom Works staff only] or something similar at the end of the text link. Thoughts?

@admoorgit I think having a darker color for the private docs is a great idea. I'm not crazy about adding more words to the title to specify it's only for staff since there doesn't seem to be a lot of room if the titles end up being long. Maybe if the [Bloom Works staff only] text is in a much smaller font, we could add that without it feeling too crowded 🤔.

I feel like the color change, along with the lock icon should be enough to let users know it is different and private, screen readers will be able to pick it up from the image alt as well.

I'm assuming the functionality for the private doc button is that the user clicks on this and they have to log in, in order to access it? @jeffmaher

jeffmaher commented 1 year ago

@jeffmaher and @admoorgit to review. @jrubenoff to submit a PR in the meantime.

jrubenoff commented 1 year ago

Update from a Zoom call: @admoorgit is good with this design. I'll open a PR soon.