bloomberg / clang-p2996

Experimental clang support for WG21 P2996 (Reflection).
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Universal_formatter example #37

Closed Yaraslaut closed 3 months ago

Yaraslaut commented 4 months ago

Hi, I figure out that universal_formatter from the proposal does not work and here is the closest I could get with the current implementation:

#include <experimental/meta>
#include <print>

template <auto... Xs, typename F> constexpr void for_values(F &&f) {
  (f.template operator()<Xs>(), ...);

template <auto B, auto E, typename F> constexpr void for_range(F &&f) {
  using t = std::common_type_t<decltype(B), decltype(E)>;

  [&f]<auto... Xs>(std::integer_sequence<t, Xs...>) {
    for_values<(B + Xs)...>(f);
  }(std::make_integer_sequence<t, E - B>{});

template <typename T> consteval auto base_info(int n) {
  return bases_of(^T)[n];

template <typename T> consteval auto member_info(int n) {
  return nonstatic_data_members_of(^T)[n];

struct universal_formatter {

  constexpr auto parse(auto &ctx) { return ctx.begin(); }

  template <typename T> auto format(T const &t, auto &ctx) const {
    std::format_to(ctx.out(), "{}{{", name_of(^T));

    auto delim = [&, first = true]() mutable {
      if (!first) {
        std::format_to(ctx.out(), ", ");
      first = false;

    for_range<0, bases_of(^T).size()>([&]<auto I>() {
      constexpr auto base = base_info<T>(I);
      if constexpr (is_accessible(base)) {
        std::format_to(ctx.out(), "{}",
                       static_cast<[:type_of(base):] const &>(t));

    for_range<0, nonstatic_data_members_of(^T).size()>([&]<auto I>() {
      constexpr auto mem = member_info<T>(I);
      std::format_to(ctx.out(), ".{}={}", name_of(mem), t.[:mem:]);

    std::format_to(ctx.out(), "}}");
    return ctx.out();

struct X {
  int m1 = 1;
struct Y {
  int m2 = 2;
class Z : public X, private Y {
  int m3 = 3;
  int m4 = 4;

template <> struct std::formatter<X> : universal_formatter {};
template <> struct std::formatter<Z> : universal_formatter {};

int main() {
  std::println("{}", X(0)); //X{.m1=0}  
  std::println("{}", Z()); // Z{X{.m1 = 1}, .m3 = 3, .m4 = 4}
  std::println("{}", []() {
    auto z = Z();
    z.m1 = -1;
    return z;
  }()); // Z{X{.m1 = -1}, .m3 = 3, .m4 = 4}

One important note, is that Y is not accessible from the instance of Z so formatter can not show it. It can be beneficial to have it as a part of tests/examples, so if you are open i can open a PR for this addition.

katzdm commented 4 months ago

Hey, @Yaraslaut ! You're probably looking at P2996R2, but note that we presented a D2996R3 for the Tokyo meeting, which includes this link to a working example from Clang/P2996. We didn't implement your use of is_accessible to check for private base classes though, which is a nice trick.

Since that time, Robert Leahy brought to our attention that C-style casts allow one to circumvent access-checking on base classes, so the original Universal Formatter can in fact be saved. This example will be published in the next revision, complete with support for private base classes:

That said, I did forget to add the example as a test case! If you'd like to open a PR adding the example linked above as a test case, I'd be happy to merge it.

Yaraslaut commented 3 months ago

Hey, @Yaraslaut ! You're probably looking at P2996R2, but note that we presented a D2996R3 for the Tokyo meeting, which includes this link to a working example from Clang/P2996. We didn't implement your use of is_accessible to check for private base classes though, which is a nice trick.

Since that time, Robert Leahy brought to our attention that C-style casts allow one to circumvent access-checking on base classes, so the original Universal Formatter can in fact be saved. This example will be published in the next revision, complete with support for private base classes:

That said, I did forget to add the example as a test case! If you'd like to open a PR adding the example linked above as a test case, I'd be happy to merge it.

Thanks for the detailed reply, I will make a PR later.