bloomberg / pytest-memray

pytest plugin for easy integration of memray memory profiler
Apache License 2.0
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Fix --most-allocations with the value of 0 #94

Closed pablogsal closed 9 months ago

pablogsal commented 9 months ago

In the docs we say that a value of 0 will show all entries but currently the plugin crashes because it interprets the value of 0 as a string and is not properly propagated to show all entries.

*Issue number of the reported bug or feature request: #46

Describe your changes A clear and concise description of the changes you have made.

Testing performed Describe the testing you have performed to ensure that the bug has been addressed, or that the new feature works as planned.

Additional context Add any other context about your contribution here.

godlygeek commented 9 months ago

CI failed because our lint checks are broken on main.

95 will fix that, and then this will need to be rebased once that lands.

godlygeek commented 9 months ago

Actually, I'll just land this despite the failing lint check. No reason to hold this one up given that CI for main is already failing, and I've tested locally that rebasing on #95 would make linting pass.