bloombloombloom / Bloom

A debug interface for AVR-based embedded systems development on GNU/Linux.
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Memory snapshots via Insight #46

Closed navnavnav closed 1 year ago

navnavnav commented 1 year ago

Comparing memories at different points during a debug session would be a useful ability to have.

More to follow

navnavnav commented 1 year ago

I've decided to push this back to v0.12.0. I fear that I've already crammed too many changes in v0.11.0. And given the time this will take, excluding it from v0.11.0 means I'll be able to release much sooner than expected.

A lot of the ground work for this was done as part of, so I definitely want to get it into v0.12.0.

navnavnav commented 1 year ago

Quick update on this:

Have made good progress:

Bloom Insight_189


New Snapshot - RAM_001

There is still much to do before this is ready.

navnavnav commented 1 year ago

Quick update on this:

I've not had a whole lot of time on Bloom lately. I'm hoping to continue work on this during the weekend. Still not sure when it will be done by - there's a fair bit to do.

navnavnav commented 1 year ago

Quick update: Almost done with the snapshot viewer window:


Looking to have that window finished by the end of this weekend. Also want to get the 'restore snapshot' function done this weekend.

Then, all that will be left for this ticket is the diff window.

navnavnav commented 1 year ago

Quick update: Snapshot viewer is complete:


Individual bytes can be restored:

image image

Also, entire snapshots can be restored via the SnapshotManager widget (in the memory inspection pane):

image image

Will be making a start on the snapshot diff window this weekend.

navnavnav commented 1 year ago

Almost done with the snapshot diff window:


navnavnav commented 1 year ago

Development work for this is complete. The changes have been merged into develop and will be part of v0.12.0 (due to be released in the next day or two).

Closing this now.