blopker / superduper

iOS and Android app to manage your ebike.
MIT License
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Add multiple presets per bike #16

Open jasperaarts opened 1 year ago

jasperaarts commented 1 year ago

Great app, as a owner of multiple Super73’s this app is amazingly simple straightforward and easy to use 👍🏻

I do have a function suggestion to include a preset button. A bit like the background lock As in longpress save current settings as a preset. And shortpress load preset settings. This way I would not have to press 3 times on each button to get to mode 4 on both pedal support and PAS mode and turn on the lights manually.

And a little usability tip before any bike is configured you show all the bells and whistles of the app as in buttons pull downs etc. It would be better to make a UX flow that hides what’s not relevant at a certain stage. At first use, I would recommend only showing one button “connect” to bike.

🙏🏼 Thanks for your effort to build this app

blopker commented 1 year ago

Hey! Thanks for the kind words, much appreciated. Could you expand a bit on the preset suggestions? I don't totally understand what the request is. Currently, you can long press each button to "lock" it, so the app will try to override whatever the bike is set to.

Although I definitely agree there could be a better onboarding experience. I've been thinking about how to do that, but I'm not a UX person, so it's hard for me. Any more suggestions you have would be helpful!

jasperaarts commented 1 year ago


Thanks for the reply.

I know about the “background lock it” function but the way you describe it does not seem to function on IOS.

If I power off and on the bike, the app also resets to default modes after re-connecting. I think the EU controller versions work different then the US versions.

And the idea seems great but in the EU all other 3 PAS modes are deemed illegal to use. So reset on a power cycle of the bike its a good thing it resets to default for if you get pulled over.

That’s why I thought why not introduce a saveable preset button that functions in the same fashion, Long press to save the current settings and shortpress to load the saved preset settings. For example I always turn my lights on and set it to peddel assist 4 and PAS mode 4. But that’s a lot of pressing buttons before I can ride off.

I’m a freelance UX designer with a mediocre coding skills mostly html, css, php, jquery. I started about 8 months ago with a product line of accessoires for the Super73’s. I would love to help, I can make some interface suggestions visuals or even design a whole interface for you. But I think the foundation is already good keep it simple. But just add some smooth user flow in the app it would make this a killer app.

if you like I can send you a mock-up of the flow based on the same visuals what you use now.

JacopoV commented 1 year ago

Just chiming in here because i find the presets idea pretty nice. A killer function could be also presets with autoconnect via a widget ( Android / iOS ). That would be super, to keep in the home of the phone :)

jasperaarts commented 1 year ago

I agree, maybe even a preset with autoconnect widget per bike would be a cool thing.

blopker commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the clarification, but I still don't understand how the request is different from the current "setting lock" feature where you can long press any setting to add the lock icon. This will make it so the app will force the bike into the locked setting, even if the bike changes settings after a restart. This behaves as a setting preset. It's very possible the real issue here is that I'm not good at the onboarding experience.

In the US we also have to deal with the mode resetting after the torque update came out.

The widget idea is interesting. I'd want to make sure it is a much better experience than opening the app since its platform-specific code, and I'd have to make it 2x, one for each platform. I'm going to investigate that.

Anyway, if you do want to make some mocks, I'd love to see them.

jasperaarts commented 1 year ago

I made a recording of the current setting lock behaviour on a Super73 EU model. As you can see in the video the PAS mode resets back if you turn the bike on and off. So background lock does not seem to work.

And yes the preset I’m talking about is almost the same. But the preset is not loaded or pushed automatically but rather triggered by short pressing the background lock button if it’s enabled. It could be the same feature. As I explained if you get pulled over by the Police in the EU you want the bike to behave within the EU rules. So the background lock automatically pushing the locked settings to the bike could be a bad thing in such a situation. In the EU only mode 1 is legal.

jasperaarts commented 1 year ago

I have made a start with a clickable mockup where I added some UX and function suggestions you can check it out here:

blopker commented 1 year ago

I love the mocks! What icon set are you using?

I took a look at the video and noticed that the settings are not locked. I'm thinking this is just a lack of me being able to articulate how this feature works vs what the background lock is. For example, try holding down the "Light" button until a lock icon appears next to the label. Once the lock icon is visible, if you do the same procedure in the video you should see the light turn on automatically while the bike's power is cycled. At least while the app is open.

Background Lock attempts to maintain the locked settings even while the phone screen is off, but it's a bit hit or miss. In the video, no settings are locked, so the Background Lock has no effect.

For the mocks, I think the information hierarchy you've made is much better. I love the new intro screen. Where is that video from? I'd be hesitant to use it if it's not user-made.

Otherwise, I can see two potential issues with the changes.

1) While I like moving the Edit button off the Bike Detail screen, having a button on a button can get tricky for users to hit. Is there somewhere else we can put it? Or maybe make a separator for the Edit vs Select Bike actions.

2) The Help (?) icon on the Bike Detail screen hovering at the bottom: I did actually play with putting it there recently, but it causes issues when the phone is in landscape mode, which many people use while mounting the phone to a bike. The icon either covers one button (again causing the button-in-button issue), or it requires complicated logic to push the icon down when the list goes off the screen.

What do you think?

jasperaarts commented 1 year ago

I use Google material icons

On point 1 Maybe for editing the bike long press the button or what most apps do is slide left to show options like edit or delete.

On point 2 Ok then just leave it where it is for now I will try to fine tune the mock some more next week.

The videos used are mine and I got a lot more cool short videos that you may use for the app I made it so it rotate different ones on refresh more video examples check my instagram

JacopoV commented 1 year ago

These mocks looks great! What about 2 presets like square buttons at the bottom? I was just thinking about the scenario of having preset 1 as you like but also preset 2 for another one. With the chance to switch between them. That would be a easy port also for widgets.

Example: Preset 1 - mode 2 pas 4 Preset 2 - mode 4 pas 4 (off-road or if you have to race someone quickly 🤣)

Both via app or widgets, I think would be killer to switch between these 2 on the fly with 1 click solution.

Thanks for all your hard wok, all of you ❤️